Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Feb. 21 2022
Last December’s release of the book Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (eighth revised edition) was like a Christmas gift for dairy nutritionists and researchers
Feb. 21 2022
Raising their family on the farm is an added benefit of the job that many dairy farmer parents cherish. Often, it allows and encourages farm owners to think about what the future of the farm may hold
Feb. 21 2022
In a typical year, high moisture corn and corn silage would be feeding to nearly its full potential by this time in the calendar year. This year is different
Feb. 14 2022
Why do restaurants in the pizza, burger, and sandwich sector matter so much to dairy farmers? They are key partners in marketing an immense volume of cheese
Feb. 14 2022
Most farmers are always striving to maximize production, whether it is pounds of milk per cow or bushels of grain per acre. More product to sell typically means more profit, but there is a balance bet
Feb. 14 2022
The flurry of attention around animal rights-driven legislation that began with last summer’s attempts in Colorado and Oregon to limit common farm practices has stretched into 2022
Feb. 14 2022
About 50 years ago, a Cornell University dairy nutritionist made the statement, “The best corn grain hybrid is the best silage hybrid.”
Feb. 14 2022
Dairy products remain rather tight worldwide. Given that situation, one would rationalize that the global milk production spigot may be turned to full stream
Feb. 7 2022
The farm financial model is a concept for understanding the financial flow of the farm business
Feb. 7 2022
Quality, quantity, quickness, squeaky clean, and quantify: these “five Qs” developed by Sandra Godden at the University of Minnesota serve as guidelines for effectively supplying colostrum
Feb. 7 2022
If you look at a ration report or a forage analysis today, much of this science will be nicely summarized for you in a simple table. The goal is to describe the energetics of a feed ingredient or a ration....
Feb. 7 2022
“We have been mechanically milking cows for over 100 years, but the first robotic attachment of a teat cup first occurred in 1985,” shared Kristy Campbell at the 61st National Mastitis Council...
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