Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Aug. 29 2022
While alternative forage sources may be needed when forage or ingredient availability is limited, these scenarios also require the re-formulation of dairy cow diets
Aug. 29 2022
It might not seem like it in the midst of long days of chopping corn, filling bunkers and bags, and keeping the rest of the dairy running at the same time, but corn silage harvest season will wrap up
Aug. 29 2022
It is not uncommon for farms to house more dairy cows in a pen than there are stalls. Overcrowding is a way to dilute a farm’s fixed assets — but do the benefits outweigh the costs?
Aug. 29 2022
I don’t envy USDA statisticians. The U.S. produces billions of pounds of milk a month from over 9 million cows, and we expect the USDA to be able to tell us how much it is changing
Aug. 29 2022
This July, USDA estimated there were 3.75 million dairy heifers over 500 pounds on farms across the United States
Aug. 22 2022
Land prices in the “Big I” states of Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana began to moderate between the first and second quarter of 2022 as Illinois held steady, Indiana rose 1%, and Iowa gained 4%
Aug. 22 2022
Many kids today are generations removed from the farm and do not know where their food or milk comes from. It is essential to Wisconsin’s economy to encourage an understanding
Aug. 22 2022
If a dairy farm is a car running on the gasoline that is money, a growing heifer is a racecar driver with its foot to the pedal, using that gas up fast and furiously
Aug. 22 2022
After the COVID-19 pandemic prompted an 18-month delay in routine animal care evaluations under FARM Version 4.0, implementation has been under way for a year
Aug. 22 2022
Fermentation is a crucial step in turning fresh chopped silage into a more nutritious, more digestible feedstuff for our dairy cows
Aug. 15 2022
“I'm really, really mindful that the rear window on the economist automobile is pretty much crystal clear,” shared Cornell’s Andy Novakovic
Aug. 15 2022
Though we don’t see them and may only rarely think about them, there are thousands of satellites — the current approximation is more than 4,500 — circling our globe right now
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