Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Jan. 3 2022
Just as facilities with the right dimensions and amenities encourage cow comfort and production, an environment that limits a cow’s natural abilities can create problems
Jan. 3 2022
November’s $20.80 All-Milk price posted in the most recent Agricultural Prices yielded the smallest Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) payments of the year at 36 cents per hundredweight (cwt.) for farmers
Dec. 27 2021
Conversations about calf feeding often focus on the liquid portion of the diet, either milk or milk replacer, but calf starter is an important part of the equation, too
Dec. 27 2021
In my last article, I described how to identify cows that aborted in the dairy herd as a step to improve the reproductive performance
Dec. 27 2021
Unless we actively try to stop it, the U.S. is going to become more and integrated into the global dairy market. I want to be clear; I don’t think the industry should try to stop it
Dec. 27 2021
Without naming names, you can probably think of a sports team that’s been down on its luck recently (or longer). Fans or the media may give them a bit of a break
Dec. 20 2021
One bright spot in a year marked by uncertainty and challenges for U.S. dairy is exports. Even with disrupted supply chains and a continued global pandemic, American dairy exports are on track
Dec. 20 2021
It can seem difficult — or almost impossible — to keep water in front of calves in cold weather without having to deal with frozen buckets
Dec. 20 2021
A new study is providing even more reasons to include dairy in the diets of older adults. The study, published in The BMJ, found that nursing home residents who increased their intake of milk, cheese
Dec. 20 2021
The global milk production forecast calls for minimal growth from New Zealand and the European Union, the world’s top two dairy export markets
Dec. 20 2021
As he spoke with a room of dairy producers and farm organization representatives at a Wisconsin dairy farm last Thursday, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack emphasized that if a change is going to come
Dec. 13 2021
Want to give a unique and delicious gift from the heart this holiday season while supporting Wisconsin’s dairy farm families? Doing so puts you in good company, with 45% of food gifters
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