Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Oct. 25 2021
Agronomists are scrambling to meet customer needs as requests for prepaid fertilizer have begun flooding into offices. Normally this type of activity gets rolling in December
Oct. 25 2021
Bovine leukemia virus, commonly known as BLV, lurks in dairy herds around the world. Surveys indicate an estimated 45% to 50% of cows in the U.S. are infected, and 94% of the nation’s dairy herds
Oct. 25 2021
Growing up, my family drove Chevy trucks. I still prefer Chevys over Fords, but I actually drive a Dodge Ram at the moment! Go figure
Oct. 18 2021
You have probably heard the statistics that by 2017, U.S. milk production required 30% less water, 21% less land, and a 19% smaller carbon footprint than it did in 2007
Oct. 18 2021
With sign-up for the 2022 Dairy Margin Coverage Program (DMC) approaching, it is again time for producers to consider what level of future participation will be most beneficial to their operation
Oct. 18 2021
During the October Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, a listener asked if ventilation should be more of a priority in the stall beds or at the feedbunk
Oct. 18 2021
Manure will likely be unfortunately more valuable for many this year thanks to more bushels of corn passing through dairy cattle undigested
Oct. 18 2021
With unsettled supply chains induced by shipping and trucking shortfalls both domestically and internationally, dairy price forecasts have become equally unsettled
Oct. 11 2021
Evidence continues to mount in favor of folks who eat more dairy fats. The latest research comes from a study involving 4,150 60-year-old Swedish citizens
Oct. 11 2021
It’s well-known within dairy and all of agriculture that producers are proactive leaders in land and water stewardship
Oct. 11 2021
Financial evaluations, crop yields, weather predictions . . . dairy farmers consume and evaluate countless forms of data like this every day
Oct. 11 2021
When people across the world think of Wisconsin, they think of cheese. And for good reason — Wisconsin is The State of Cheese and wins more national and international cheese awards than any other
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