“The 1960’s Holsteins here are basically a herd frozen in time,” said Brad Heins, an associate professor and manager of the University of Minnesota’s Organic Dairy Research and...
Underpinned by Italian cheese variety sales climbing from 21.1 to 22 pounds per person during the past year, consumption of dairy products reached 646 pounds for every U.S. citizen
by Spahr & Opperman. Second edition, this book features the major players, human and bovine from 1975 to 1995. Over 180 pictures. Key sire lines and female families for each breed. Copyright 1995
Dairy co-op's tombstone reads 1894 to 2016. Although it's been in a vegetative coma since March 31, 2008, the dairy co-op's official death notice, representing its last legal business day, will read June...
Ever-increasing herd size and production per cow will continue to reshape the U.S. dairy industry. "Small" is a very relative term in the dairy industry – and is getting bigger every year. Growth...
by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor Record milk checks received by U.S. dairy producers was a principal reason that the smallest number of dairy famers left the dairy business since tracking of commercial...
Green County Cheese Days recently celebrated its 100th anniversary, earning the title of the oldest festival in the Midwest. Cheese Days is a three-day festival which takes place only in even-numbered...
Tim Abbott, Enosburg, Vt., was named the 16th Honorary Member of the Klussendorf Association. Since the association was formed in 1937, 15 other men have received special recognition by the membership...
This Thursday, the Cooperative Extension System turns 100 years old. President Woodrow Wilson signed legislation a century ago, on May 8, 1914, that extended the land-grant university concept beyond college...
It costs money to raise your calves and heifers. Should you invest in facilities and raise your own replacements? Would you be better served utilizing a custom grower? Should you raise every heifer, or...
by Corey Geiger, Hoard's Dairyman Managing Editor Dr. Gerald Snider, Goshen, Ind., was named the 15th Honorary Member of the Klussendorf Association. Since the association was formed in 1937, 14 other...