Marilyn HersheyOur farm sits right beside a township road. In fact, the road runs right between the main farm and our numerous calf hutches, so we cross the road several times a day. Duane and
While labor efficiency rose 2.3, labor costs climbed 7.2 percent, wiping away any gains in getting more work done on a daily basis through implementing technology
While findings from the 2017 Census of Agriculture will not be released for quite some time, the annual count of licensed dairy operations contained in the February Milk Production report from USDA offers...
We all have learned a lot more about the importance of facilities and cow comfort by studying cows housed in freestall barns, which may include turn-out lots on dirt or pasture
At 30 percent market share, Class I utilization reached a new modern day low. When looking back over the past 14 years, Class I utilization for beverage milk was as high as 44 percent in 2004
If there’s a better place to take the pulse of Western dairying at the beginning of each year than World Ag Expo in Tulare, Calif., after 40-plus years, I haven’t found it yet
Every dairyman and dairywoman should be asking themselves that very question. With milk prices below the cost of production for most of us, it’s challenging to justify the number of calves and heife
We had a problem with our cows’ tails falling into our manure pan in the parlor, especially in the summer months when it’s warm and flies are present. Looking for a solution, I cut the botto
We knew it was coming, and there wasn’t anything we could do but buckle down and await the arrival of the arctic forecast. Not only was the impending weather all over the news
Cows in early lactation have markedly higher energy requirements, which are not entirely met by energy intake. As a result, cows mobilize fat reserves to compensate for the negative energy balance