This was the message delivered by Arquimides Reyes, a professor of beef production and meat science at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, to dairy farmers and supporters at the Holstein Horizons...
Metritis, one of the most common fresh cow diseases, can be costly to the health of individual cows and the overall productivity of dairy operations, especially in today’s environment
During the summer months, there’s one task that surfaces to the top of every dairy farmer’s agenda: how to beat the heat. It’s crucial to mitigate heat stress in all dairy cattle, including...
The summer heat is upon us. As many readers are aware, we can monitor and anticipate changes to the dairy herd when the temperature-humidity index (THI) begins to climb above the comfort zone of 68
Akdeniz, an assistant professor and extension specialist in biological systems engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, noted that the average temperature in the Midwest was 1.3°F to 1.7°F...
Dairy farmers invest a considerable amount of money and effort in fans, sprinklers, shade, and other animal-cooling methods in order to avoid the reduced productivity and well-being that comes from heat...
If you have ever listened to radio broadcaster Paul Harvey’s “So God Made a Farmer” speech that was given at the 1978 National FFA convention, it’s easy to understand that farmers...
Lyme disease can be difficult to diagnose and even trickier to treat. In agriculture, workers and animals are outdoors for the majority of the day, making tick bite prevention paramount