Whether exercising, practicing your sport, or sighting in your rifle, repetition equates to power. We know this based upon experience. In exercising, repetitions build strength over time
After corn silage harvest, one huge job that has be completed promptly following chopping is covering piles and bunkers. This is a task that takes many hands and a lot of hard work
When considering the acquisition of a long-term asset, a farmer is analyzing a capital investment. Dairy farms have multiple and diverse situations in which a capital investment needs to be evaluated
The Milk Crate Challenge is following in the footsteps of the wildly popular – and very dangerous – Tide Pod Challenge from a few years ago, when people would consume packets of laundry detergent
Because manure digesters thrive on energy rich manure, many dairies considering digester projects wonder about the operation and effectiveness of digesters run on farms that focus on feed efficiency
In the early 20th century, tuberculosis was a scourge for cattle. However, in recent decades it’s become extremely rare, with ramifications only being felt by a handful of infected herds
we recently observed Veterinary Appreciation Day. This day just happened to fall a day before we laid to rest the first and finest veterinarian that served our farm
USDA’s August World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report provides the first look at survey-based yield estimates for this year’s corn crop
Picture movie-goers walking into a theater. Those people entering the theater were initially expecting to see a documentary film, but instead, an action movie begins, with surprises
Bill Weiss, a professor emeritus at The Ohio State University, presented “Estimating energy supply and requirements of dairy cows.”Although energy is usually the first limiting nutrient, dietary...