Starting in 2020, a price divergence between Class III and actual producer pay prices shook up risk management plans just as volatility re-entered dairy markets in a meaningful way for the first time
There is a new genomic Holstein leader on the Net Merit (NM$), Cheese Merit (CM$), and Total Performance Index (TPI) lists for the first time in a year
HOLSTEIN — D B C AIt’s the quality udder of D that helps sort her to the top of the class. D has a smoother blending fore udder attachment, more height to the rear udder, and a more desirabl
When Cornell University’s Daryl Nydam’s father was a practicing veterinarian, he was at the forefront of the industry recommendation that farms should dry treat every quarter of every cow
Breeding heifers to calve in around 2 years old puts them on a productive track to begin paying off the costs of their rearing and avoid mounting up additional expenses while they remain open
A record 9 million units of beef semen were sold to U.S. dairy farmers and cattle ranchers last year. This is an impressive number considering that sales stood at what was at that time a record 2.5 million...
CLASS III SHOWED SOME STRENGTH while Class IV softened during March trading on the CME. At the beginning of the month, April-to-September Class III contracts netted $18.80 and moved to a $19.10
We tend to assume that in automated milking systems (AMS), cows spend little to no time waiting to be milked compared to cows that stand in a holding area, waiting to be milked in the parlor
It turns out 2022 was a year for the dairy record books as mailbox milk prices posted a record $24.64 per hundredweight (cwt.). That value was 60 cents higher than the previous $24.04 watermark set in...
Workplace culture, employee engagement, appropriate resources, and supervisor trust are just some of the factors that affect how long people remain at your business and how you retain employees
New genetic evaluations will be published Tuesday, April 4, for dairy producers to make breeding, culling, and other management decisions with updated predictions of animals’ genetic merit. Nearly...
In light of the Food and Drug Administration’s disappointing decision to allow dairy alternative beverages to use the term milk in their names and on their labels, it is refreshing to see solid information...
Cows grazing on green grass in front of a picturesque barn can still be found on some dairy advertisements even though it’s true for fewer of today’s dairy farms. But Jason Cavadini thinks...
Three years have passed since the COVID-19 pandemic began, but there has been a very clear lesson learned regarding the need for risk management. While the tools used from one farm to the next may be different,...