The Farm Workforce Modernization Act had gained significant momentum when it passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a 59% margin last year. However, the momentum did not carry over into the Senat
When considering that a growing world population will need nourishment in the decades to come and that U.S. milk production has the ability to continue to grow, the question is not if our domestic industry...
Many of today’s dairy cows are housed in facilities with concrete floors. While several environmental and management factors can contribute to dairy cow lameness, the housing environment and surface
“The question isn’t if exports will grow; it’s how, and what are we focused on?” Robert Chesler, United Dairymen of Arizona CEO, said as introduction to his comments on dairy exports
“PPDs” had become a four-letter word in dairy farmers’ lexicon when negative producer price differentials (PPDs) exploded onto the scene in June 2020 at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
Every dairy farmer knows that raising a calf to maturity takes great care, with an appreciation of the challenge and a goal of doing what’s best rather than what’s easy
It’s been true of domestic markets for some time, but export markets have seen a change in recent years that has caused U.S. exporters to switch gears, encouraging higher value products
Flavored beverage milk sales are up 51.6% over the first seven months of this year when compared to the same time last year within California’s Federal Order No. 51
What makes a good-tasting cheese?That can be a loaded question because every consumer has their own preferences, palette, and opinions on what characteristics make them want to enjoy a food
The September Hoard’s Dairyman webinar title posed the question, “Inflammation: Friend or foe?” Presenter Barry Bradford’s response to that question was, “It’s both.”Inflammation...
It’s hard to overstate Mexico’s importance to America’s dairy farmers. When I talk to dairy farmers, I always remind them that Mexico is our industry’s most important trading partner,...
When you go into a feed store, crude protein is still king. In the old days, it was a chalkboard with a grid for pricing of various feed products. Everything, from cattle cubes to show feed to chicken
While we love working with dairy cows, we can’t forget that the role of dairy farmers and those that support them is to provide nutritious milk and dairy products to the population. Expanding the...
Portable foods have become a must in the modern world. Breakfast cereal, and milk for that matter, both have been losing out to grab-and-go breakfast options. Kellogg’s, a longtime stalwart in