I live in an old farmhouse. It’s got a creepy dirt basement, splintery old floors, and drafty, well, drafts. Last night, on my way to the bathroom, I stumbled, threw out a hand to catch myself
For 7-year-old Maple Fudge Of 12 Oak and her leadswoman, Ashley Brandel, an invite to the Supreme Champion selection is nothing new, but it is just as rewarding
Many jokes about Carhartt gear can be found throughout social media. What was once an outfitter solely for those performing manual labor is now on trend for the masses to wear
Far too often, I hear that social media is the key to communicating with consumers. Time after time, I have been instructed to post more about life on the dairy farm
Perhaps you have followed along the last decade by reading my Hoard's Dairyman column, "Around the Kitchen Table," where I share stories of growing up on my family’s dairy farm and the lessons learned
I just want to start this by saying that I hate politics for so many reasons. I hate how politicians give off the air of being superior to the rest of us when they technically work for us
Various authors and studies have likened willpower to a muscle. They have explained that it must be repeatedly practiced before it becomes stronger and the new habit second nature