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Dec. 19 2012
It's everywhere. "It" is the news that the fiscal cliff may double milk prices
Dec. 18 2012
For some time, dairy producers and other industry specialists who closely follow genetic evaluations have agreed that productive life estimates - a measure of how long a cow lives - have been somewhat...
Dec. 17 2012
History is constantly evolving, so the records of the past are in continual motion. National Dairy Shrine is working on renovations to the Joe P. Eves Library and displays surrounding it. During World...
Dec. 14 2012
Expensive corn and ever-increasing demand from China and other foreign buyers are expected to keep alfalfa hay from becoming cheap in the West in 2013, according to longtime market expert Seth Hoyt (pictured)
Dec. 13 2012
Per case, mastitis and metritis rank as the most costly transition disorders. On every dairy, the transition period, the three weeks before to the three weeks after calving, is a critical time for our...
Dec. 12 2012
The biggest news of the week for "milk" is that prices might double due to the farm bill, or the lack of farm bill passage. Of course, we first heard about this a few months ago from places like CBS news
Dec. 11 2012
"Consistent, efficient TMR feeding" was the topic of yesterday's webinar presented by Tom Oelberg of Diamond V. Oelberg has conducted hundreds of TMR audits and has seen several areas of concern for those...
Dec. 10 2012
Technological advancements have streamlined many day-to-day tasks on farms. They enable us to keep better records, more accurately identify cattle and track production through a lactation
Dec. 7 2012
Compared with the most recent August genetic evaluations, and even last December for that matter, the dizzying pace of escalating breeding values has seemed to slow to a more traditional pace as the top...
Dec. 6 2012
California's largest dairy cooperatives have renewed a plea for help to the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), warning that survival of the state's dairy industry is at risk
Dec. 5 2012
The Peterson Farm Brothers, beef and crop farmers in Kansas, are back with a video to promote agriculture. You may remember their first video, "I'm Farming and I grow It." That video went viral with over...
Dec. 4 2012
What are children in schools being taught about agriculture? The number of teachers with agriculture backgrounds continues to decline. And, teaching about a topic that is not familiar to an instructor...
Dec. 3 2012
"Land values are currently like a well-stoked, blazing Friday night camp fire," explained Brent Gloy, director for Purdue's Center for Commercial Agriculture
Nov. 30 2012
Enticed by attractive beef prices and wary of scary feed costs, the downsizing of the U.S. dairy herd by milk producers is picking up speed
Nov. 29 2012
When push comes to shove, U.S. consumers are more willing to give up milk as prices rise than any other beverage on the market, noted Mike North a senior hedge consultant with First Capitol Ag, at the...
Nov. 28 2012
Does your farm have growing pains? If you answered no, you're either a well-run business or you don't know what growing pains feel like yet
Nov. 27 2012
Youth competition stimulates learning. A concept brought to 4-H dairy youth by Maryland extension agent, John Morris, in 1980 has turned into a widely accepted youth activity. Dairy Bowl began in the 4-H...
Nov. 27 2012
In this Facts About Beef article, it compares vegetarian diets with diets with lean meat. • According to a recent Gallup poll, only 5% of American adults consider themselves to be vegetarians. •...
Nov. 26 2012
"You understand, farmers never retire," was one of the astute observations that farm family coach Elaine Froese offered to those attending the World Holstein Conference in Toronto, Canada
Nov. 23 2012
In both good times and bad, U.S. dairy producers keep cranking out more milk per herd. Here's what we mean: • In 1992, average total milk production per dairy in the U.S. was 1.15 million pounds....