The dairy industry can be unpredictable at times, but the milk production trend from the major states is one of the most predictable, even at the month level. With genetic progress and new management techniques...
Much of the U.S. dairy industry wanted it, but milk quality officials didn't have the guts to do it earlier this year. Now here it comes anyway: a stricter but entirely doable 400,000 SCC limit on at least...
Will dairies with meat residue violations also have antibiotic residues in their bulk tanks? In an attempt to answer this question, in 2012, the FDA will relaunch its program to test for antibiotic residues...
In 2011 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced it was working on a local emphasis program (LEP) for inspecting Wisconsin dairy farms
Twenty years ago, a room full of farmers talking about land prices wouldn't have surprised anyone. But what about a room full of investors? On November 15, we attended the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago's...
In the U.S. it's 32 pounds. You've probably heard the phrase many times: "Anything times 1.34 billion is a very big number." It's referring, of course, to the population of China. The point it makes is...
Tomorrow is the day to educate family members about their food. You'll have a captive audience and a full table. According to MSN, all but 5 percent of us will eat turkey tomorrow. While that number seems...
At World Dairy Expo, Steve Larson wears many hats, with his professional responsibilities, volunteer tasks, and as an honoree. As the managing editor at Hoard's Dairyman, his schedule was full with meetings...
Herby Lutz of Chester, S.C. and his associate, Andrew Vander Muelen of Brighton, Ontario, Canada, selected Pine Have SSM Marmie as Grand Champion of the 59th All American Jersey Show. The winning 4-year-old,...
As a dairy-judging contestant, if someone would tell you that you would only lose 5 points out of 500 on 10 contest classes, you would have to like your chances of winning the contest. Such was the case...
Judge Chris Lahmers of Marysville, Ohio, and his associate John Erbsen of Lanark, Ill., selected Miss Iatola Blackie Rose-ET as the winner of the 58th National Jersey Jug in Louisville, Ky. Taking Reserve...
New York challenges the winners twice and places second in Louisville. The Wisconsin 4-H team topped 17 other state teams to take home National Championship honors in 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl. This year's contest...
Herby Lutz of Chester, S.C. and his associate, Andrew Vander Muelen of Brighton, Ontario, Canada, are serving as officials for this year's 59th All American Jersey Show
Chocolate milk, and other dairy products, has been a highly contested portion of school lunch programs this year. The key concern has been that the extra calories from added sugars are a contributing factor...
A number of young Guernsey bulls, without official proofs, have daughters classified. The Hoard Farm team headed up by Jason Yurs continues to be pleased with the performance of young sires' daughters....
Leader, problem solver, teacher, and cowman. These are all words that easily describe the career of Dr. Leland Allenstein who passed away on October 22. Dr. Allenstein's influence on students, veterinarians,...
Nearly all the growth in September milk production once again came from the Western dairy states which all posted positive gains as they did in August. Leading the pack was Texas reporting a 10.1 percent...
A recent special occasion created an opportunity to educate consumers about dairying.Last month my sister got married to a nonagricultural young man. He loves being on the dairy, helping feed calves, tossing...
A collection of videos from the 2011 World Dairy Expo are available at our YouTube channel, We do have more videos coming, including the Supreme Champion Parade, William...
Hoard's at Expo Blogs 2011 Reports and stories from the 2011 World Dairy Expo Expo attendees journey home (10/10/2011) Million dollar lady named Holstein champion (10/9/2011) Early Saturday slide show...