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July 21 2020
Summer seems to be the time when farm life can take its greatest toll on our physical and mental health
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July 20 2020
Despite the fact that we’re a dwindling part of the population (which is a tragedy through my 25-year-old eyes), I’m always thrilled to come across a fellow farm kid
July 17 2020
For the past seven years, I have volunteered at the Dairy Cow Birthing Center at the New York State Fair. When I get there, I promptly plop myself next to the calf pen, which is normally swamped with people
July 16 2020
It was so wonderful to visit with my sister, Cathy, and her family. Last week I went back to my roots and visited my hometown of Bend, Ore
July 15 2020
“How do you get through the days you don’t want to be at the dairy anymore?” I wasn’t even slightly surprised to get this question from a fellow dairy farmer on Instagram earlier...
July 14 2020
Various authors and studies have likened willpower to a muscle. They have explained that it must be repeatedly practiced before it becomes stronger and the new habit second nature
July 13 2020
Farmers do what they do because they love the job, but that doesn’t mean it’s not difficult
July 10 2020
As producers, I’m sure most of you have heard pleas from agriculture communicators asking you to tell your story
July 8 2020
A dairy farm is not in the business of making milk. Say that out loud to yourself. A dairy farm is not in the business of making milk
July 7 2020
Thanks to COVID-19 it is looking like all the summer fun has been canceled this year. I was doing alright with the restrictions, after all farm life mostly keeps us at home
July 3 2020
Most of us have heard stories of the Knights of the Round Table. They were characters in the legend of King Arthur’s kingdom
July 2 2020
A year can go by at record speed, or at least that is how it has felt this past year. Often days and nights intertwined, and somehow, the seasons flew to the next without us having much time to hit the...
July 1 2020
There are a few statistics that are thrown around in the ag community so often that most farmers know them off the top of their head
June 30 2020
For farmers, working with family can be an awesome blessing or one of life’s greatest challenges
June 29 2020
This week is forecasted to be hot in nearly every dairy producing part of the country. Month-long predictions have much of the same with above average temperatures expected for all of July
June 26 2020
Finely tuned rations, stringent milking procedures, and compliance to sound reproductive protocols all lead to well-run dairies. In journalism, the same can be said of a watchful eye that carefully reviews...
June 25 2020
There are plenty of “How to” books available on just about anything . . . how to succeed, how to wire a building, how to be a better person, how to be inspiring, and the list goes on and on
June 24 2020
It was a success and I still can’t believe it! If you had told me a few months ago that I was going to host a virtual tour for kids who couldn’t see the Dairy Council of California’s...
June 23 2020
Ever had a plan for the week? Ever had a week that actually went according to that plan? It’s a familiar feeling for dairy farmers; this need for flexibility
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June 22 2020
In the span of just over a week, my two oldest cows both passed away. Both developed conditions that sprang up and were treated meticulously — only to no avail