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Nov. 22 2016
“We don’t have any flunixin,” Emily said. “It’s on backorder. I’m sorry."“What?” I asked, not wanting to believe what she said and half hoping that I hadn’t...
Nov. 21 2016
For more than 60 years, Hoard’s Dairyman readers could rely on a good laugh facilitated by the tip of Chuck Stiles' pen
Hillcrest Farms
Nov. 17 2016
Our family farm has one problem in common with every other dairy farm in the U.S. We are contending with low prices for both milk and beef
Nov. 15 2016
This past year in the dairy industry has been tough. The rollercoaster ride of this life can sometimes take a heavy toll on your view and attitude
Nov. 14 2016
One meat, two meat, “green” meat, no meat. Dr. Seuss could have written a fantastic book about the wild ride that is the development of meat alternatives
social media
Nov. 9 2016
“I have no time to do this.” ”If I do this, I put a target on my back.” “I understand why it’s important, but I don’t get this stuff.”
jade grazing
Nov. 8 2016
It’s November 8. Most Americans are celebrating the long-awaited end of the political campaign season
Nov. 7 2016
I recall many cold mornings of feeding calves while growing up. On my family’s 150-cow farm, I would shiver along, wearing at least four layers of clothes, from hutch to hutch
Nov. 3 2016
It's November in Georgia and we're starting to prepare for winter . . . even though it's still 80°F outside. Winter in Georgia is a lot different than other parts of the country
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Oct. 27 2016
As an out-of-state college student, I rarely have the opportunity to travel home. Growing up with a tight-knit family, I spent most of my days working alongside my parents and younger sisters
Oct. 21 2016
Every year, the October 25, 2016, issue of Hoard’s Dairyman features highlights from the recently concluded World Dairy Expo
Oct. 20 2016
For the past week, I have been preparing to take a vacation. That means doing all of my regular tasks on the farm, plus making lists for my daughter and my herdsman of things I would like accomplished
Oct. 19 2016
When dairies find themselves with limited space, one option is to locate a new home for calves or heifers. For some farms, this means a rented facility down the road
Oct. 18 2016
Let’s be honest, Mother Nature can be one of a dairy farmer’s worst enemies. The unpredictable power and ability to literally make or break us, gives us a great amount of respect
Oct. 7 2016
After a memorable 50 years of World Dairy Expo, a new display featuring some of the most historic photos, banners, and trophies line the walls in the upper half of New Holland Pavilion bar
Oct. 5 2016
Facing the Coliseum and keeping watch over all things Expo, the newest feature of the Alliant Energy Center marks the beginning of the next 50 years. A granite cow now stands in front of the New Holland...
Sept. 27 2016
Sometimes heifers bellow for a reason. One group of heifers wouldn’t stop bellowing
Sept. 22 2016
As my daughter, Caitlin, and I have written our blogs for Hoard’s Dairyman, we have tried to emphasize the positives of being dairy farmers even though this past year has been extremely hard financially
Guernsey fall scene
Sept. 20 2016
The leaves are turning color and starting to fall. The warm temperatures that last into the night have faded away
Sept. 15 2016
Make sure that you have high-quality colostrum in stock. The excitement that a newborn calf brings can be one of the best feelings in the world. Unfortunately, the disappointment you feel when you discover...