Waking at the crack of dawn is nothing new for Indiana dairy farmer Jill Houin. However, feeling like a celebrity with a police escort and a crowd of fans is not her typical morning routine
Perhaps you are a person who works full time at another job but dreams of owning a small farm someday. Or maybe you already operate a farm but want to add another enterprise or start a side busi
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” We all know the question. The question can be greeted with inaudible rumblings, flustered body language, or a decisive answer
There’s one job on our farm that everyone gets involved with at one point or another. It’s a looming, tedious task that rears its head in the midst of spring planting, school wrapping up, and...
I was once told by a vet, “The scours didn't kill your calf, you did.” I was completely appalled at the fact that he had just accused me of letting my calf die
In my current position as a veterinarian working for a dairy cooperative, I often get questions from the general public during farm tours or through social media and our consumer hotline