For the 82nd Year, readers can test their dairy judging skills Dairy producers, youth, and allied industry have judged our cover cows in our January 10 to March 10 issues for over eight decades. Rotating...
Feed costs range from $8 to $10 per hundredweight. Net farm incomes are rising in the West, according to reports assembled by Frazer, LLP. However, profits must continue for the foreseeable future in order...
77 percent of state's production is now made into nonperishable products Emerging from the rubble of the dairy industry's economic collapse in 2009, California milk production is not only bouncing back,...
Ears per acre jumps concurrently. An average row width of 30 inches most common. With an average of 30,750 plants per acre as of November, Iowa corn producers planted the highest density per acre, besting...
China is in the news for milk, again. This time it is China Mengniu Dairy Company, the nation's largest dairy producer according to Bloomberg News – China
Setting goals for your dairy can be done at any time, but take the time this New Year to write them down.Yesterday, I worked with high school students preparing their 2012 livestock project goals. The...
In late December, the American Guernsey Association stopped by the Hoard's Dairyman farm to conduct an appraisal of all cows that had calved since October
Fresh less then a month, both calved before their 13th birthday. In late December, the American Guernsey Association stopped by the Hoard's Dairyman farm to conduct an appraisal of all cows that had calved...
High feed prices continue to dominate coffee shop dairy talk these days, with no item more discussed than alfalfa hay. While longtime Western hay market analyst Seth Hoyt thinks prices will be $30 to $50...
Most of us have a warm comfortable home to go to when our days are done, an even greater blessing in winter. But, this holiday season, have we given our cows the gift of a comfortable environment?
By cutting the beginning or ending of a quote, whole speeches can be turned on their head. With video, it's even easier. David Letterman started a now-popular segment called Stupid Pet Tricks in 1982....
The dairy industry can be unpredictable at times, but the milk production trend from the major states is one of the most predictable, even at the month level. With genetic progress and new management techniques...
One of the dairy industry's best-known personalities, Doug Maddox, passed away this morning in his office after a massive heart attack. A vibrant person until his last day, Doug had a personality that...
Much of the U.S. dairy industry wanted it, but milk quality officials didn't have the guts to do it earlier this year. Now here it comes anyway: a stricter but entirely doable 400,000 SCC limit on at least...
Will dairies with meat residue violations also have antibiotic residues in their bulk tanks? In an attempt to answer this question, in 2012, the FDA will relaunch its program to test for antibiotic residues...
Last Wednesday reminded us that checkoff events are free to anyone who pays the checkoff. You, too, are likely a paying checkoff member as $1 per head per transaction is collected...
Shopping for dairy people is not an easy task.It seems to be a struggle to purchase a Christmas gift for those that spend the majority of their life surrounded by cows and calves. They would likely prefer...
It was yet another preeminent national symposium whose sound-bites you didn't see on the evening news. Agriculture and facts are never sexy enough for TV unless people are sick, animals are abused, or...
Top 50 genomic Holstein bulls are all over 788 Net Merit. Genomics is accelerating the pace of genetic change. In the Holstein breed, it took a Net Merit (NM$) score of 788 to make the top 50 list among...
In 2011 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced it was working on a local emphasis program (LEP) for inspecting Wisconsin dairy farms