The world has changed a lot in the last week and a half, and maybe one of the only silver linings in this situation is that we’re realizing the difference between what we need in order to survive...
What’s an influencer? In marketing, it’s an individual who has the power to impact others’ thoughts or purchases. In agriculture, I’ve heard it described as an advocate, AGvocate,...
I absolutely love my school and wouldn’t trade it for the world, but I want to bring up a topic that sometimes gets swept under the rug. Personally, I have many friends and peers at home, in my family,...
We are less than one month from opening the robots to the "feed only" phase to prepare for milking. We have had several meetings getting our minds right and schedules put together for the startup of our...
Last week, I had a very early morning flight from the West Coast to the Midwest. I would be on the flight for four hours followed by an immediate three and a half hour shuttle ride
My dad came from a large Midwest family where they milked 25 cows, raised some sheep, had a few chickens, and worked cropland. He was one of seven hard-working farm boys with four sisters
Yes, you read the title right, but I am talking about cows. It is common knowledge in the dairy industry that cows do not like the heat. The question is, when do they start feeling uncomfortable, and
When it comes to making purchasing decisions, consumers can be difficult to gauge, and traditionally, they vote with their wallets. That makes labels a vital piece of the purchasing decision