As you've probably seen, “Got Milk?” is back, and it has been showcased on national television outlets such as ESPN and on popular social media platforms, including TikTok
Finely tuned rations, stringent milking procedures, and compliance to sound reproductive protocols all lead to well-run dairies. In journalism, the same can be said of a watchful eye that carefully reviews...
You might be thinking that with COVID-19 stay-at-home rules in place and limits on how many people can gather, your annual National Dairy Month farm tour should be canceled, too
When it comes to building a website, you need a domain name. It's what people will type into Google when they are searching for your farm and it should match the brand you want to emphasize and take control...
When we look at the two communications platforms of websites and social media, we need to see them as separate entities instead of an “either/or” option. There is a reason that most businesses...
My job with the dairy checkoff is to study everything that is going on outside of the dairy industry. While that may seem like somewhat of a disconnected way to work on the dairy farmers’ behalf,...
We have all seen the local foods movement continue to expand. Customers looking for foods produced in their region have even been paying more to know where that food was grown
Last week I taught class of high school juniors and seniors about marketing, and we were discussing where their target audience would be using social media
There are a lot of farmers out there this year feeling pretty grinchy. Winter is coming, some of us are still harvesting, our finances aren’t getting any better, and with the recent news of Dean’s...
TikTok is a global social network based on video content that started in China. The audience is mostly younger people (under 30 years old), and it is around the size of Instagram with about 1 billion users
The Woodmansee family has been recognized as Premier Breeder at the Eastern States Exposition seven times since 1989. They have partnered on cattle that have won the New York Spring Show, Eastern Stat
The most important part of generating lots of views on YouTube is the content. Bad content or content that doesn't resonate with the YouTube audience will never work
So, you've got some great ideas about how to promote dairy products and dairy farming and you are ready to get involved, especially during June Dairy Month