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Aug. 24 2020
Each spring, Lakeshore Technical College holds a graduation banquet in northeast Wisconsin for its dairy students
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Aug. 14 2020
I first traveled to the Hoard’s Dairyman office with the National 4-H Dairy Conference in 2016
July 1 2020
There are a few statistics that are thrown around in the ag community so often that most farmers know them off the top of their head
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May 28 2020
Food can carry quite a few labels these days. There’s grass-fed, organic, no antibiotics used, vegan, from cows not treated with rBST, clean . . . and probably at least a dozen others
May 20 2020
You might be thinking that with COVID-19 stay-at-home rules in place and limits on how many people can gather, your annual National Dairy Month farm tour should be canceled, too
May 19 2020
Restrictions on travel and large gatherings are impacting pretty much everyone – including animal rights activist organizations
May 7 2020
It seems like the world is at a standstill, but the view outside my farmhouse in East Moline, Ill., tells a different story
April 29 2020
What’s greater, a positive or a negative? A plus one or a minus one? Mathematically, positive numbers always progress in a positive trajectory
April 10 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, milk is being dumped, while exports have disappeared and there is no milk and milk limits in my local stores
April 7 2020
Since National Dairy Shrine (NDS) began making its mark on the dairy industry in 1949, it has also established an impressive number of scholarship opportunities for students
March 23 2020
Farmers literally fed the Allied forces and the world’s war-ravaged citizens during World War II
Jan. 29 2020
I want to start this by saying that I am not a licensed professional. I am just a farmer who knows how it feels to be at the end of your rope with what seems like no way to crawl back from the darkness
Jan. 24 2020
Around the country, many young women dream of attaining a crown, preferably while advocating for an industry they’re passionate about
Jan. 23 2020
Maybe I look younger than I actually am. Maybe I don’t look like the “Rodgers.” Maybe I have a sign stuck to my back saying I can’t help you. Or maybe, just maybe, there is still...
Jan. 16 2020
I recently listened to Kenny Chesney's song "Don't blink" and tears streamed down my cheeks, because let's be honest, we all can relate just how fast time goes by
Dec. 13 2019
I grew up absolutely living for contests such as Dairy Bowl, dairy judging, management contests, showing, and so much more
Dec. 11 2019
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck . . . It’s going to taste like a duck!
Oct. 15 2019
A police report news blurb I saw a couple of weeks ago left me chuckling. A high-speed pursuit of a stolen vehicle ended at a dairy farm when the suspects managed to drive into the manure lagoon
Oct. 3 2019
Former Alice in Dairyland Rochelle Schnadt served as a moderator during an agricultural careers panel attended by FFA members during World Dairy Expo on Tuesday
Sept. 27 2019
An internship is where classroom learning and real-world experience meet. It’s a chance to “try on” a job and find out if a particular career path is for you