Jan. 28 2021
There has been much talk about the Biden administration’s goal for rural America to play a leading role in combatting climate change, but farmers are still understandably curious and cautious about...
Jan. 25 2021
Nutrition programs, climate change, and trade will likely be high priorities for both the House and Senate agriculture leaders in this new Congress, panelists discussed on the January 20 Hoard’s...
Jan. 21 2021
Even as the dairy community heralded the completion of work last month on another package of COVID-19 relief legislation, we already knew that 2021 would begin under unprecedented conditions
Jan. 18 2021
Much discussion has unfolded surrounding the income boost to dairy producers from government policy aimed to help offset the effects of COVID-19
Dec. 21 2020
Through much of November and December, most of the people we talked to seemed to think that USDA’s Farmers to Families Food Box program was dead
Dec. 3 2020
“The industry, on the demand side, cannot be firing on all cylinders as long as food service continues to be impacted by the pandemic,” said Peter Vitaliano
Dec. 3 2020
The 2020 election has been historic in a number of ways, and that includes agriculture
Dec. 3 2020
Change is a scary thing, and there will be no shortage of that in Washington, D.C., when it comes to agriculture leaders in the next Congress and administration
Nov. 5 2020
For three decades, Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) ranked among the handful of politicians who truly understood agriculture in Washington, D.C.’s Capital Beltway
Oct. 19 2020
According to political forecasting website fivethirtyeight.com, Pennsylvania is currently rated as the most likely “tipping point” state in this year’s presidential election
Oct. 5 2020
The dairy industry enjoys a rich history full of value and innovation. When those two attributes are joined together, it brings accessible nutrition to people who need it
Sept. 17 2020
Congress is in its last days before members head home for their final campaign sprints. High on the agenda is agreeing on a new coronavirus response package
Aug. 31 2020
In touting the need for unity among the American colonists seeking their independence from Britain, Ben Franklin pointedly observed that “we must hang together, or else we’ll surely hang separately.”
July 24 2020
If you’ve never seen the movie The Princess Bride, keep reading, but once you’re done, go watch it
July 20 2020
Don’t underestimate the impact that government purchases are having on the dairy market
July 3 2020
Most of us have heard stories of the Knights of the Round Table. They were characters in the legend of King Arthur’s kingdom
June 15 2020
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been a big player in the relief packages offered to farmers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Feb. 24 2020
Urbanization is a tricky subject. It affects each state, region, county, and town differently, and there are certainly benefits to expanding our communities
Feb. 18 2020
There are lots of times that it has been hard to think of the future of the dairy industry with optimism. Especially after the challenges of the last few years
Feb. 10 2020
Ten years ago, or even just five, it’s likely safe to guess that not many people thought about food on the cellular level. If they did, it was probably not about using cells to create entirely new...