The most recent USDA outlook calls for modest improvement in milk prices for 2019. Those same reports project higher milkfat and skim solids supplies for domestic consumers
Even though William Shakespeare’s famous line, “Now is the winter of our discontent” was written in 1592, it sums up well where many U.S. dairy farmers probably find themselves in 2018
After losing $1.99 per hundredweight in 2017, New Mexico dairy farms lost another $1.18 per hundredweight in 2018, according to farm financial data gathered by Frazer Certified Public Accountants and Consultants
A year has passed since Canada circled its collective domestic milk market wagons and deployed the Class 7 milk pricing strategy. Since then, Canadian and U.S. dairy interests have sparred in a h
In just five years, Class I milk sales have slid from 35.5 percent to 30 percent. That’s according to Federal Milk Marketing Order data that compares 2012 to 2017
A couple years ago, after we realized that the Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy) wasn’t going to offer us any meaningful protection, we created our own self-funded insura
Perhaps the best that can be said about the milk price outlook for 2018, as seen in the graph above, is it isn’t expected to be as bad as in 2015 or 2016