Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Nov. 12 2018
The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) finished the negotiation process on September 30. This agreement will replace the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) . . . if all three countries...
Nov. 5 2018
“I walk the pens three times a day — after morning chores, noon, and after night chores. Usually during those calm times of the day, I can catch most of the active cows,” said Jeffrey...
Nov. 5 2018
When people talk about sustainability, they often refer to the term “carbon footprint.” However, there is more to the sustainability story than greenhouse gases
Nov. 5 2018
“Milk prices are top of mind for dairy producers,” said Marilyn Hershey, a Pennsylvania dairy woman who is chair of the Dairy Management Inc. board of directors
Nov. 5 2018
The state of young stock sales in the dairy industry is almost uglier than the milk price this year
Nov. 5 2018
Even though William Shakespeare’s famous line, “Now is the winter of our discontent” was written in 1592, it sums up well where many U.S. dairy farmers probably find themselves in 2018
Oct. 29 2018
This week marks the end of an era, as California’s state milk pricing order will reach its final sunset
Oct. 29 2018
It takes approximately 1,400 pounds of corn to finish out a steer. Would we be better off feeding that corn to humans instead?
Oct. 29 2018
The Idaho Dairy Worker Training and Safety Program has been almost three years in the making
Oct. 29 2018
Just like humans, cows display sidedness behavior. Maybe you have noticed a cow that always lays down on its right side or is a huge fan of the left side of the milking parlor
Oct. 29 2018
When someone mentions that a business is “profitable,” people assume they know what that means. However, we shouldn’t casually make this sort of judgment call
Oct. 22 2018
“What happens on paper isn’t always what happens in the field, in the barn, or in the parlor,” said Lisa Holden, an associate professor at Penn State University
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