Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Sept. 3 2018
Perhaps you’ve heard the saying “milk does a body good.” That’s true, but dairy products deserve respect for more than just the calcium, vitamin D, and protein they contain
Sept. 3 2018
The financial revitalization that the dairy industry so gratefully welcomed in 2014 is just a distant memory in 2018
Sept. 3 2018
Some call Sheila McGuirk, D.V.M., the Mother Teresa of World Dairy Expo. It’s likely because the veterinarian has a distinct love for dairy cattle and their owners
Sept. 3 2018
It’s well-known that the average age of farmers is steadily climbing upward. The same could be said about the general population
Aug. 27 2018
Dairy product sales give grocery stores good bang for their buck, so how come they don’t get more shelf space?
Aug. 27 2018
If you want to initiate a good debate at the coffee shop, talk about farm size and what is better — the small or large herd
Aug. 27 2018
“Oh my, she does not look good.”To me, she just looked lethargic. She wasn’t thrifty.That was my first reaction after giving Cow No. 139 a visual evaluation while walking the freestall...
Aug. 27 2018
As corn silage harvest season moves north across the United States, along with it comes an important reminder: farmers only have one chance to put up this staple crop
Aug. 27 2018
Collin Peterson, former chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Agriculture Committee, recently told Hoard’s Dairyman he is cautiously optimistic about the long-term risk management...
Aug. 20 2018
On many farms, one of the least intensively managed groups on the farm is the pregnant heifers
Aug. 20 2018
“Brazil can double its cropland easily without cutting a tree,” said Texas A&M professor and extension economist Luis Ribera
Aug. 20 2018
Anyone who has watched dairy cows use large mechanical roller brushes knows it’s pretty obvious they love them
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