Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Dec. 3 2018
Within the last few weeks, nutritionists and dairies from southeast Minnesota, Wisconsin, and New York have shared a common discouraging observation
Nov. 26 2018
It’s getting colder outside and with that change comes temperature challenges for young calves
Nov. 26 2018
Age at first calving is the biggest factor affecting the total cost of raising heifers, and reproduction is a key factor in managing calving age
Nov. 26 2018
During the past decade, the Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) program has allowed the dairy industry to collectively document the good work that dairy farmers across the country are doing...
Nov. 26 2018
"Three people on our dairy handle all the breeding — Rick and Ingrid Portena and Jesse Boyd. We have alternating weekends between Rick, Ingrid, and Jesse,” said Rick Portena from Pendora Dairy...
Nov. 26 2018
We hear a lot about milk or milk replacer feeding for calves, but Pennsylvania State University’s Jud Heinrichs emphasized the importance of feeding calf starter in a recent presentation
Nov. 19 2018
"All cows enter the presynch program. All repeat breeders confirmed at herd check are enrolled in ovsynch,” said Steve Paider, dairy manager for Seidl’s Mountain View Dairy of Luxemburg, Wis
Nov. 19 2018
In most of the country, the fall season has been plagued with wet weather that pushed back harvest and fall planting
Nov. 19 2018
Each year’s visit to World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wis., always seems to have at least one new technology surprise that jumps out from the rest
Nov. 19 2018
Japan. It’s one of the world’s highest-value markets, meaning that U.S. dairy farmers and processors can realize high returns when selling products there
Nov. 19 2018
Not all types of salmonella behave the same. That was one of the main points made by Donald Sockett, D.V.M., during his presentation at the Calf Care Connection workshop hosted by the Professional Dairy...
Nov. 12 2018
“Every cow is given prostaglandin (Lutalyse) at 21 to 24 days in milk (DIM) to eliminate metritis or endometritis,” said Andy Schilling of Schilling Dairy in Darlington, Wis
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