Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
June 4 2018
Does any sector of agriculture depend more upon good records than dairy farming?
June 4 2018
Even in the northern U.S. climates, we are now well into forage harvesting season
June 4 2018
When it comes to calf housing, we often think about what’s around the animal (including pen walls and air movement), but how much consideration is given to what lies beneath the calf as bedding?
June 4 2018
Thoughts involving business change tend to follow times of extreme profitability, high or low
May 28 2018
Tulare County, Calif., is the third-largest agricultural county in the U.S. and the biggest dairy county by far. Total gross value of its farm production in 2016 was $6.3 billion
May 28 2018
“Consumers are at the helm of redefining food culture today,” stated Shelley Balanko, who is senior vice president of The Hartman Group
May 28 2018
Variation of milk throughout the year has more do to with seasonal differences than heat stress, explained Penn State’s Kevin Harvatine at the Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference
May 28 2018
Most farms raise every heifer calf that is born. That served many of us well in the past. Extra heifers fueled expansion, replaced older cows, or were sold to generate income
May 28 2018
While the program may invoke trepidation or blasé from dairy farmers, those who sign up for the 2018 Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy) will receive a payment on the initial 5 million...
May 21 2018
While it still stands on top of “Milk Mountain,” California only accounted for 18.47 percent of the nation’s milk flow last year
May 21 2018
After planting, the best strategy to promote a good stand of alfalfa is weed control
May 21 2018
Why are individuals, organizations, and media outlets surprised when Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) audits of dairy operations find that a significant amount of our foreign-born labor are here...
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