Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
April 16 2018
An area of milk quality that is at times overlooked is emptied milk tankers that haven’t been cleaned
April 16 2018
This week is the middle of the five-week voting period for California milk producers to decide whether they want to become the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system’s newest and biggest member
April 16 2018
At $2.61 per pound, butterfat prices climbed 13 percent last year to post a record high in the Northeast Federal Milk Market Order
April 9 2018
There are two great higher-learning opportunities via webinars taking place today, Monday, April 9 at noon Central Standard Time.
April 9 2018
Grouping strategies have a huge impact on cows’ lactations and lifetime production
April 9 2018
Multiple component pricing (MCP) could be coming to the Appalachian and Southeast Federal Milk Marketing Orders
April 9 2018
While the Hoard’s Dairyman Bull List will be available in the April 25 issue, we are making it available to readers here as well
April 9 2018
A couple of months ago the details were released regarding changes to the Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy)
April 2 2018
The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) proposed a temporary rule published in the March 30, 2018, Federal Register that would bump Class I milk prices up by 9 cents per hundredweight for a seven-month...
April 2 2018
Yogurt has been a darling of the dairy case, expanding in per capita consumption while fluid milk intake continues to fall
April 2 2018
In your March 25 Hoard’s Dairyman Intel, “Consider economic culling,” the one item not taken into account is the size of the cow
April 2 2018
Is there something in blackberries that really improves the reproductive performance of dairy cows?
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