Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Feb. 12 2018
“The most influential factor in our calf and heifer program that sets up future milk production is a very thorough and strict vaccination protocol,” said Jim Herron
Feb. 12 2018
A legal battle over the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) use of administrative law judges in adjudicatory or enforcement actions during civil proceedings has called into question how administrative...
Feb. 5 2018
Do you believe in climate change? Many people say they don’t, but Chris Kucharik, a professor in the department of agronomy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has data that shows otherwise
Feb. 5 2018
Those in dairy circles know the many positive attributes found in milk and dairy products
Feb. 5 2018
“In our breeding program, we try to maximize the potential of every mating,” explained Curtis Nolan
Feb. 5 2018
As farm gate milk prices remain below the cost of production for the vast majority of U.S. dairy farmers, dairy replacements waiting to join the milking herd continue to be at historic highs
Feb. 5 2018
Anyone milking cows knows all too well how painful the current milk price cycle has been
Jan. 29 2018
Most dairy producers invest in an automatic milking system to reduce the need for hired labor. As an added bonus, many herds milked with robots go up in production
Jan. 29 2018
In the past several years, selective dry cow treatment has gained some prevalence in the industry as an alternative to the more common blanket dry cow treatment, which has been the gold standard for mastitis...
Jan. 29 2018
Calves must have adequate rumen development to have a smooth transition at weaning time
Jan. 29 2018
We all have heard of the growing pressure related to immigrant labor recently. That comes as the economy is providing full employment and the number of jobs in sectors like health care, construction, and...
Jan. 29 2018
This is my first forecast in 40-plus years of writing about the dairy industry
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