Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Jan. 8 2018
For the dairy industry, 2018 begins with extremely high levels of dairy products held in storage
Jan. 8 2018
For many years, organic milk has been the belle of the dairy case as consumers have flocked toward organic options
Jan. 8 2018
“We need to get out ahead of poor marketers by reshaping the discussion about our dairy brand,” explained the consumer-minded Mike McCloskey (shown second from right), CEO of Select Milk Co-op
Jan. 1 2018
“Every cow receives prostaglandin at 10 days in milk (DIM) to help clean up the uterus,” explained Jeff McNeely of his farm’s prebreeding protocols and presynchronization program
Jan. 1 2018
A financial analysis system called DuPont assesses profitability through three primary levers: 1. Asset utilization 2. Efficiency 3. Leverage
Jan. 1 2018
Researchers have known for years that food is an important part of both physical and mental health
Jan. 1 2018
Worried citizens have been calling for a reduction in the use of antibiotics to treat food-producing animals, and it seems that farms are quietly responding
Jan. 1 2018
It is hard not to feel like the U.S. dairy industry is just a penny ante chip in the high stakes poker game that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has become
Dec. 26 2017
Manure has tremendous value when used as a fertilizer source. Make the most of that value by knowing exactly what you are spreading
Dec. 26 2017
“Team JZB . . . our “in-house” team breeds cows at Jer-Z-Boys Ranch,” commented Gary de Graaf when responding to the question “Who breeds cows on your farm?”
Dec. 26 2017
“Our assets are our livelihood on the farm, and we take that very seriously,” shared Adon Farms’ Nick Gilbert
Dec. 26 2017
The Christmas and New Year’s holidays are upon us. Some farms will have special get-togethers for employees during this festive season
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