Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
May 21 2018
While it still stands on top of “Milk Mountain,” California only accounted for 18.47 percent of the nation’s milk flow last year
May 21 2018
After planting, the best strategy to promote a good stand of alfalfa is weed control
May 21 2018
Why are individuals, organizations, and media outlets surprised when Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) audits of dairy operations find that a significant amount of our foreign-born labor are here...
May 21 2018
A calf faces many challenges at weaning, including the transition to a solid diet and often commingling with other calves. On top of this, a calf is still developing its immune system, which is not fu
May 21 2018
This welcome subject line appeared in my email box a week ago, a response to last week’s Intel item about how Class III milk futures prices are looking much better for the last eight months of the...
May 14 2018
First Grassland shed 75 dairies in the Upper Midwest last year
May 14 2018
A logical conclusion drawn by some dairy producers is that cows that produce large amounts of milk early in lactation don’t breed back as well
May 14 2018
There has been a lot of improvement lately in the milk price outlook for the rest of 2018, which is cause for a sigh of relief
May 14 2018
We are learning more and more all the time about how the amount of milk we feed a calf can affect future production
May 14 2018
Everyone who milks cows for a living should take a serious look at the revamped Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy)
May 7 2018
In just five years, Class I milk sales have slid from 35.5 percent to 30 percent. That’s according to Federal Milk Marketing Order data that compares 2012 to 2017
May 7 2018
“Milking is so routine, frankly, we don’t even think about it. It just happens,” said Phil Durst, Michigan State University Extension
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