Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
March 19 2018
We consider dairy farming to be an occupation, a way of life, and often a family tradition
March 19 2018
There was a time when mastitis ravaged dairy herds across the globe
March 12 2018
While labor efficiency rose 2.3, labor costs climbed 7.2 percent, wiping away any gains in getting more work done on a daily basis through implementing technology
March 12 2018
A new study found that cows fed all grass produced milk with a more desirable balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids
March 12 2018
Extra milk production throughout the country again this spring means some milk cooperatives have introduced quotas for milk production
March 12 2018
While findings from the 2017 Census of Agriculture will not be released for quite some time, the annual count of licensed dairy operations contained in the February Milk Production report from USDA offers...
March 12 2018
At $2.2 million per farm, equity positions reached a new pinnacle for U.S. dairy farmers in 2016
March 5 2018
To emphasize the importance of a healthy dairy sector to the overall U.S. economy, the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) commissioned an economic research firm to quantify that impact
March 5 2018
In the past decade, yogurt has achieved many health accolades being praised for its association with gut health, diabetes deterrence, and most recently heart health
March 5 2018
This isn’t breaking news, but it’s still newsworthy — dairy exports are a major player in U.S. milk prices
March 5 2018
At 30 percent market share, Class I utilization reached a new modern day low. When looking back over the past 14 years, Class I utilization for beverage milk was as high as 44 percent in 2004
March 5 2018
In conversations with employers, New Mexico State University’s Robert Hagevoort said he most often hears complaints about employee management
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