Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Dec. 26 2017
“Team JZB . . . our “in-house” team breeds cows at Jer-Z-Boys Ranch,” commented Gary de Graaf when responding to the question “Who breeds cows on your farm?”
Dec. 26 2017
“Our assets are our livelihood on the farm, and we take that very seriously,” shared Adon Farms’ Nick Gilbert
Dec. 26 2017
The Christmas and New Year’s holidays are upon us. Some farms will have special get-togethers for employees during this festive season
Dec. 26 2017
“Nearly 1 million people are employed in the United States directly because of dairy,” said former USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack
Dec. 18 2017
“I walk the pens three times a day, after morning chores, noon, and after night chores,” said Jeff McNeely of his commitment to his family’s dairy herd
Dec. 18 2017
Nutrient application often ends up in the hot seat being blamed for impairing water quality
Dec. 18 2017
Partnerships with major restaurant chains have helped to drive new dairy product sales in the U.S
Dec. 18 2017
“We were quite thankful to have protection when we had our two barn fires in 2001 and 2014,” shared Dan Natzke of Wayside Dairy in Greenleaf, Wis
Dec. 18 2017
The West may be alfalfa country, but proximity doesn’t mean lower prices for its hay-buying dairies
Dec. 11 2017
While the Hoard’s Dairyman Bull List will be available in the December issue, we are making it available to readers here as well
Dec. 11 2017
Annual U.S. dairy cow inventory has been in continual expansion mode every year since 2010 . . . except for the drought year of 2013
Dec. 11 2017
Those who are anti-animal agriculture would like us to believe a planet without livestock production would be a better place in terms of greenhouse gas emissions
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