Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Dec. 11 2017
When it comes to consumer concern over animal welfare, it appears that people fall into three areas of thought
Dec. 11 2017
What are the most important metrics that the nation’s top herds use to monitor reproduction?
Dec. 4 2017
“For us, the Pocket Cow Card on the phone and tablet is a great reference tool when out among the herd,” said Jake Weisenbeck when discussing how his farm tracks heats, breeding records, and...
Dec. 4 2017
2017 Census of Agriculture mailings are arriving this month.
Dec. 4 2017
Veterinarian Cesar Narciso pointed to some advantages of IVF (in vitro fertilization), including accelerated genetic gain by using genomically superior donors, strategic reproduction management (like crossbreeding...
Dec. 4 2017
USDA just released long-term Agricultural Projections to 2027 for the U.S. dairy industry
Dec. 4 2017
Perhaps the best that can be said about the milk price outlook for 2018, as seen in the graph above, is it isn’t expected to be as bad as in 2015 or 2016
Nov. 27 2017
Previously, a financial analysis system called “DuPont” was introduced that assesses profitability through three primary levers
Nov. 27 2017
Recent estimates show the world population could reach 10 billion people by the year 2050
Nov. 27 2017
“We ultrasound cows at 33 days carried calf to determine pregnancy. Pregnant cows are given a second ultrasound at 60 days carried calf to confirm pregnancy, determine fetal sex, and to check for...
Nov. 27 2017
“Dairy and cotton have been targeted as the two commodity programs for improvements in the next Farm Bill,” said Paul Bleiberg
Nov. 27 2017
“What’s the reward-risk?” opened Tom Overton in his presentation on adoption of new technology at the recent Cornell Nutrition Conference
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