Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
May 29 2017
Although nutritionists have a good feel for where many of the ingredients fit into a healthy dairy ration, USDA’s Mary Beth Hall said we still have much to learn when it comes to sugar in rations
May 29 2017
Resilient. The word accurately describes dairy producers across the country as they contend with the never-ending fluctuations of milk prices and weather challenges
May 29 2017
Pasteurization — the process of heating a liquid, in this case milk, to kill bacteria — works. There are centuries of science to back up that notion
May 22 2017
Now entering its third year, the process to establish a Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) potentially cleared another hurdle
May 22 2017
We often hear about the sheer volume — in billions of pounds — and the economic value of the food that is wasted in the United States each year
May 22 2017
Tragically there have been two deaths on Idaho dairies this year involving dairy lagoons. Looking at the past four years, there have been 14 deaths on Idaho agriculture operations
May 22 2017
“The feeding strategy will vary depending on producer goals, so a whole system approach is important,” shared Marcia Endres during a recent presentation at the Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference
May 22 2017
It’s been a little over a month since news broke about one Wisconsin dairy processor shedding dozens of dairy farm patrons due to lost markets north of the border
May 15 2017
“We can solve global lameness by preventing three hoof lesions,” Nigel Cook explained to those attending the 13th Western Dairy Management Conference held in Reno, Nev
May 15 2017
Just two years ago, U.S. farmers couldn’t keep up with consumer demand for organic milk. Now, production has outpaced the need
May 15 2017
It’s been over two months since the 2017 Western Dairy Conference was held, but my brain is still thinking about something one speaker said: “Fifty percent of U.S. dairies will change ownership
May 15 2017
“The opportunity for higher daily liquid feeding rates, smaller meal sizes, and getting back to what’s more normal biology for the calf,”
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