Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Aug. 7 2017
Mother Nature’s been no friend to dairy producers trying to make forages in the northern part of the United States this year
Aug. 7 2017
For generations, straw has been a staple on many dairy farms . . . primarily for bedding. However, straw has become firmly entrenched in feeding programs, too, thanks to the widespread use of the total...
Aug. 7 2017
For years, scientists have been trying unsuccessfully to create a vaccine against human immunodeficiency virus or HIV, the virus that causes AIDS
July 31 2017
Vibrant images help bring our articles to life in the magazine
July 31 2017
Since the end of 2015, the Federal Reserve interest rate has increased by 1 percent
July 31 2017
The perfect combination of milk residue, the right pH, and temperature spell trouble for even the toughest calves
July 31 2017
During the regular session of the Texas Legislature, Senator Charles Perry and Representative Ken King introduced legislation raising the weight limit on milk tankers from 80,000 pounds to 90,000 pounds
July 31 2017
After selling 10,000 cans of his La Colombe’s Draft Latte in just 60 minutes on Amazon.com, Todd Carmichael knew he had a winner, he told senior editor Anne Marie Mohan in an article published in...
July 24 2017
There is nothing more frustrating for dairy producers than when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refuses to enforce current regulations that would prohibit vegetable-based products from being la
July 24 2017
Year after year of growing sales show that organic food is not a disappearing market. The American organic industry topped $43 billion in 2016, surpassing the $40 billion mark for the first time
July 24 2017
Nutritional analysis of feedstuffs, particularly forages, is the foundation of feeding programs on a dairy
July 24 2017
Lying time is one of the most essential activities of a dairy cow’s day and directly impacts health, welfare, and production
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