Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Jan. 9 2017
“Manure and wet sand are removed from the stalls twice a day and manure is scraped from the alleys twice a day. Meanwhile new sand is added every week,” said Mike Bailey when commenting on...
Jan. 9 2017
Much of the focus on 2017 milk prices has centered around the expectation of growth in U.S. dairy exports
Jan. 9 2017
California producers accounted for 33 percent of directly marketed food sales in 2015 and made up 9 percent of all operations that use direct marketing. These results came from the inaugural USDA Loca
Jan. 9 2017
As dairies become larger and employ more workers, employees generally have less experience working with modern dairy operations. As this situation has unfolded, dairy owners have become more dependent
Jan. 9 2017
“Recent findings in nutrition science are rallying behind dairy fats,” said The New York Times best-selling author Nina Teicholz
Jan. 3 2017
Automated Milking Installations . . . known to most in dairy circles simply as milk robots . . . are in need of some updates
Jan. 3 2017
Here at the beginning of 2017, the U.S. dairy picture looks far better in two key ways compared to a year ago: Class III prices are much higher
Jan. 3 2017
Ryan Schaap, Art Schaap and Jorge Solomon There’s a certain magic during the holiday season that can make anyone a dreamer. Young children often write down a wish list of gifts they would like
Jan. 3 2017
Cows in the transition period have a target placed squarely on their backs when it comes to vulnerability to disease. Research indicates we are closer than ever to helping cows before health
Jan. 3 2017
“If you are going to group milk cows, start with the 2-year-olds,” said Bill Weiss of The Ohio State University, “you will get the most bang for your buck.”
Dec. 26 2016
“There are no shortcuts,” said Steve Paider with Seidl Mountain View Dairy. “With any breeding and synchronization program you use, timing of protocols is critical and must be followed...
Dec. 26 2016
Most agricultural lenders and other input suppliers from multiple regions of the country are telling me that they are seeing signs of financial stress
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