Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
May 15 2017
Just two years ago, U.S. farmers couldn’t keep up with consumer demand for organic milk. Now, production has outpaced the need
May 15 2017
It’s been over two months since the 2017 Western Dairy Conference was held, but my brain is still thinking about something one speaker said: “Fifty percent of U.S. dairies will change ownership
May 15 2017
“The opportunity for higher daily liquid feeding rates, smaller meal sizes, and getting back to what’s more normal biology for the calf,”
May 15 2017
“If my death loss in cows is above 3 percent, I should know why those deaths are taking place,” stated Frank Garry, a veterinarian from Colorado State University
May 8 2017
California is indeed the breadbasket, or perhaps the cornucopia, to the world. Consider this: An impressive 57 agricultural products from the state were given individual listing on a sub-list with $18
May 8 2017
Recent growth in U.S. milk supplies has kept pressure on U.S. milk prices, but the situation could be much worse
May 8 2017
Newly appointed Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue hit the ground running
May 8 2017
Since the mid-1990s when ovsynch first came on the scene, reproductive technologies have greatly expanded when it comes to cows getting safe in calf
May 8 2017
“rBST, hah, razor sharp horns. It’s so tall that it could eat clouds. You may want to pet it, but the fur is electric. And then it starts laughing.”
May 1 2017
If there is ever a time that cows experience more stress, it’s during the transition period. That’s the time just before, during, and after a cow has a calf
May 1 2017
One of the main aspects of dairy farm expansion is the change in the ownership structure of farm entities
May 1 2017
Huge in dairying, Idaho is tiny on the national political stage. Nevertheless, its four-person delegation in Washington, D.C. — two senators and just two congressmen — is in a great position
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