Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Dec. 12 2016
“At one time, I thought an MBA (Master of Business Administration) would help me work with people. I was wrong,” said Tom Jinkinson, D.V.M
Dec. 5 2016
“Of course dairy farmers are against trade” {link} was a good article. The growth in exports, as a percentage of U.S. milk production, needs to also be factored by the growth in annual milk...
Dec. 5 2016
Thank you for pointing out, and standing up for the truth, in the survey from a Wisconsin-based association in your item “Of course dairy farmers are against trade.”
Dec. 5 2016
“We use PC Dart for our record keeping. We record all calvings, breedings, and drying off,” noted Ed Pfeifer regarding his family’s Bucyrus, Ohio, farm that won Platinum honors
Dec. 5 2016
Dairies in the West aren’t just competing with each other for alfalfa hay but with dairies all over the world.Just like milk, alfalfa exports have become a huge business
Dec. 5 2016
Cornell’s Tom Overton challenged everyone to look at transition cows as an opportunity to transform dairy herds
Dec. 5 2016
It’s always dangerous to call a food or dietary additive a silver bullet, but recent research suggests that a component of some aged cheeses could be part of a diet that improves life longevity
Dec. 5 2016
“I have to be honest . . . seven or eight years ago when I heard some leaders wanted to start another industry association, my reaction candidly was, ‘Are you nuts?’”
Nov. 28 2016
“Nutrition plays a key role in our reproductive success,” said Brian Brown of SunBurst Dairy near Belleville, Wis
Nov. 28 2016
Likened to a sieve, the digestive tract of a newborn calf is a catch-22 for everything in its environment. Immunoglobulins, nutrients, and bacteria alike have free rein in the digestive tract
Nov. 28 2016
If you look at what is important to young consumers . . . millennials and Generation Z . . . they want to know where their food comes from. “For a longtime, where our food comes from has been
Nov. 28 2016
Talk about winning by default. While it may feel a long way from it, disappointing outlooks for other major commodities make dairying look like agriculture’s best financial sector in 2017
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