Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
April 2 2018
Yogurt has been a darling of the dairy case, expanding in per capita consumption while fluid milk intake continues to fall
April 2 2018
In your March 25 Hoard’s Dairyman Intel, “Consider economic culling,” the one item not taken into account is the size of the cow
April 2 2018
Is there something in blackberries that really improves the reproductive performance of dairy cows?
April 2 2018
After an arduous journey, the Golden State’s dairy farmers will have their chance to cast a ballot on establishing a Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) in California
March 26 2018
With the rising cost of labor and the declining number of people willing to work on dairies, Viterbo University’s Tom Thibodeau suggested farmers need to embrace a culture of caring on the farm
March 26 2018
The sooner calf dehydration is detected, the more likely treatment will be effective
March 26 2018
When consumers spent $1 on dairy products in 2017, dairy farmers received 30 cents of that dollar
March 26 2018
Ordinarily we think that culling cows falls into two categories — involuntary and voluntary
March 26 2018
The National Animal Health Monitoring System’s Dairy 2014 survey found that weaning age had shifted compared to its 2007 survey
March 19 2018
With low milk prices still prevailing throughout the land, it’s hard to fathom that U.S. dairy cow numbers will climb, not fall, over the next decade
March 19 2018
“Cows don’t need feed, they need nutrients,” shared Ohio State’s Bill Weiss at the recent Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin annual meeting
March 19 2018
U.S. dairying will cross another pause-to-consider threshold in 2018: The total number of farms that are licensed to sell milk will fall below 40,000
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