Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Nov. 20 2017
At the mid-year point, only two of the eight dairy regions serviced by Frazer Certified Public Accountants and Consultants posted negative returns
Nov. 20 2017
“Our voluntary waiting period or VWP is 77 days for all cows. A few years ago, we backed up the VWP almost a full week,” explained Jeff McNeely. “After moving it back, we haven’t...
Nov. 13 2017
“All heifers are bred four times and flagged as a do not breed (DNB) on our Dairy Comp 305 computer program after their fourth breeding. If open, they are sold,” explained Kurt Wierda
Nov. 13 2017
It’s not that the rates of lactose intolerance have skyrocketed in the last decade, causing thousands of people to flock to nut beverages
Nov. 13 2017
“Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) has helped export 55.1 million pounds of American-style cheese in 2017,” said Jim Tillison (shown at right), who works with the National Milk Producers...
Nov. 13 2017
Butter has become a hot commodity item in France as of late. A combination of several factors has tightened butter supplies
Nov. 13 2017
My estimate for 2018 global milk production suggests another 9 million metric tons (MMT) of milk supply growth in 2018
Nov. 6 2017
Everywhere you look in dairying – well, all across agriculture and in pretty much every other business as well – everyone is looking for employees
Nov. 6 2017
“Every fresh cow is enrolled in an aggressive postpartum program, including in-depth 12-day rectal temperature tracking,” said Gary de Graaff, a Platinum winner of the DCRC awards competition
Nov. 6 2017
It has long been understood that cows are creatures of habit and, for the most part, they follow a strict time budget. Three to 5 hours are dedicated to the feedbunk, 10 to 13 are for lying down
Nov. 6 2017
Science has unearthed another strike against dairy beverage alternatives
Nov. 6 2017
Dairy replacement prices fell 24 percent, or $510 in the last four years
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