Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Oct. 22 2018
The dairy industry has had plenty of issues to drag our spirits down lately. Some of those items would include the fourth year of relatively low milk prices, trade wars, and a wet fall hampering fieldwork...
Oct. 22 2018
Young calves are some of the most susceptible members of the dairy farm
Oct. 22 2018
One of the core promises that swept President Donald Trump into office was that he would renegotiate better deals for the United States with our traditional trading partners
Oct. 19 2018
More cheese, please.That’s been the collective response from U.S. consumers who now eat 10 more pounds of cheese when compared to just 20 years ago
Oct. 15 2018
After reading the Hoard’s Dairyman Intel “Feed-cost adjusters get a facelift,” I must share this sarcastic comment — I’m glad USDA believes farmers are make so much money
Oct. 15 2018
The collective bargaining clout of the nation’s top 50 cooperatives continued to grow in 2017
Oct. 15 2018
A new California law mandates restaurants serving kids’ meals must offer either milk or water as their advertised drink options
Oct. 15 2018
For generations, farmers have fed calves whole milk. In fact, with the growing popularity of on-farm pasteurizers, some farms have returned to feeding milk for its nutritional benefits after utilizing...
Oct. 15 2018
California is just over two weeks away from joining the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system, so it’s interesting to note that there has been a significant dip of late in the value of Class...
Oct. 15 2018
If you milk cows for a living, no one needs to tell you that milk checks have been downright terrible
Oct. 8 2018
Whether you are dairy farming in America or New Zealand, milkfat is back in a big way
Oct. 8 2018
A dairy farmer can take great care to make sure the milk produced on his or her farm is of the highest quality as it travels from the cow to the bulk tank
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