Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
May 23 2016
Dairy represents the epicenter of a legal challenge filed in the New York State Supreme Court by the New York Civil Liberties Union. If successful, not only could the pathway be paved for unionized labor...
May 16 2016
These days most cheesemakers identify themselves as milk processors. That wasn't always the case. This transformation from cheesemaker to milk processor has been driven by the growing value of dairy proteins...
May 16 2016
"You can't manage something you can't measure." At the recent Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, Perdue AgriBusiness' Normand St. Pierre one-upped this old saying. "A number is meaningless unless you...
May 16 2016
The author is an assistant extension professor in the department of agricultural and applied economics at the University of Missouri. The financial stress experienced by dairy farmers continues to mount....
May 16 2016
We often think of animal care with a scientific mind, but perhaps our approach should have more of an artistic flair. Calfhood diarrhea, or scours, is a major health challenge. When it comes to tackling...
May 16 2016
Yakima. The Chesapeake Bay. Lake Champlain. The Texas Panhandle and eastern New Mexico. Kewaunee County. Whether perceived or real, the aforementioned regions have been epicenters for concerns regarding...
May 9 2016
New rules could eventually affect organic dairy farms. However, most regulations proposed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture will impact other livestock species far greater. For dairy and hog farms,...
May 9 2016
Cows graze at a dairy in southern Scotland. As bad as the first year without production quotas was for dairy farmers in the European Union (EU) in 2015, the second one is already looking worse. The flood...
May 9 2016
Grocers know that the word "farm" invokes a sense of freshness, lack of artificial ingredients, and food products from local sources. That's the very reason grocers in the United Kingdom have gone so far...
May 9 2016
Today's college students, representing Generation Z, are paying more attention to their beverage choices. A study done by the Beverage Marketing Corp. (B.M.C.) and Fluent, a college marketing and insight...
May 9 2016
The feed center of a dairy farm can be equated to the kitchen of a popular restaurant operating anywhere from a few hours to all day. As it grows and changes, it will be judged on its ability to run smoothly...
May 2 2016
The Hoard's Dairyman Intel "The politics of immigration in primary season" is accurate regarding the importance of the Hispanic labor to our dairy production industry not to mention restaurants, hotels,...
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