Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
April 4 2016
Manure isn't cheap energy. The excitement surrounding the green power of poop appears to be waning as the number of anaerobic digesters on U.S. livestock operations plateaued in 2013. As of May 2015, 260...
April 4 2016
Dairy farming in the U.S. is an amazing industry. It is big, yet it is getting smaller all the time. Its basics are the same everywhere, yet how they are done differs everywhere – and often dramatically....
March 28 2016
Reader Response: Swimming in milk Anyone who thought the September 2014 $25.92 mailbox price was the new normal was delusional . . . 2014 was a career year for the American dairy farmer as noted in the...
March 28 2016
Proximity to plants and competition have a number of benefits. For dairy farmers in Wisconsin, Minnesota and bordering states, those positive attributes include low hauling costs that even continued through...
March 28 2016
Don't blame the bugs. "When it comes to calf health, most of the time it's not the bugs that are the problem," Daryl Nydam, Cornell University, said as a way of introducing his presentation on calf health...
March 28 2016
Walmart is ready to try its hand at processing milk. The convenience store chain recently announced plans to build its own milk processing plant in Fort Wayne, Ind. Once completed, the 250,000-square-foot...
March 28 2016
Given the weaker dairy and crop prices in 2015, the average price of agricultural land sold in Wisconsin fell by 3 percent from 2014
March 28 2016
Overall, 94 percent of dairy cows come from two breeds - Holstein or Jersey. That's according to data collected by USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service in its recent Dairy 2014. The comprehensive,...
March 21 2016
"Do you have an article, chart or documentation that shows the relationship between somatic cell count (SCC) to dairy product shelf life?" That was a thoughtful question poised by a Hoard's Dairyman...
March 21 2016
Don't let your feedbunk be "Hell's Kitchen." The popular TV show "Hell's Kitchen" positions emerging chefs against one another in a winner-take-all competition. This is the analogy Rick Grant, Miner Institute,...
March 21 2016
by Scott Brown The author is an assistant extension professor in the department of agricultural and applied economics at the University of Missouri Federal dairy policy is under more scrutiny these days...
March 21 2016
"The New Rotisserie-Style Chicken: Raised Without Antibiotics." That headline is proudly displayed at Subway restaurants across the country and is front and center of the restaurant chain's website. The...
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