Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
June 20 2016
Robotic or automatic calf feeders certainly have their perks, but when it comes to calves, there\'s no easy button to push
June 20 2016
Have you heard them? Corn prices have been popping lately and a lot.Since dipping to $3.52 per bushel on March 31, corn futures at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) have been on a tear, thanks to drought...
June 20 2016
In the strongest rebuke we've read in some time on geographical indications, known to many as GIs, one opinion columnist wrote, " . . . the profligate use of state-forced GIs smacks of producers trying...
June 13 2016
"One thing that I am a little ticked about . . . we had 17 Republicans and a handful of Democrats running for President, and I don't know of any one of them who has mentioned the farmer, the rancher, the...
June 13 2016
How do cows capitalize on feedbunk sprinkler systems?That was the focus of recent research conducted at the University of California-Davis. Specifically, the scientists investigated how feedbunk sprinklers...
June 13 2016
The Missouri dairy industry has been in a long-term, steady decline. In the early 1980s, Missouri ranked No. 11 nationally in milk production. By 2015, the Show Me state's ranking declined to No. 25. Dairy...
June 13 2016
It is very common to see celebrities on commercials or in advertisements, promoting the latest sports car, the next hottest shoe, or the newest food or drink items on the market. At times, the dairy industry...
June 13 2016
"TPP is very important, especially for dairy," reconfirmed Senator Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) and Chair of the Senate Ag Committee in a conversation with dairy farmers who gathered for the 100th anniversary...
June 6 2016
Falling milk prices virtually wiped out profits for Northeast dairy farmers in 2015, delivering close to break-even results on average, according to Farm Credit's Northeast Dairy Farm Summary. In addition...
June 6 2016
Any bit of milk price help is welcome news in California these days. Prices received by Golden State producers have been below the cost of production all year so far and are poised to hit new lows when...
June 6 2016
Manure restores soil with nutrients needed by crops. One method of application is manure irrigation, in which manure is applied to fields using equipment that can move liquids. Although this practice is...
June 6 2016
Employee recruitment and training is by far one of the most difficult aspects of dairy farming today. "How do I recruit and train good employees?" is an ongoing struggle in many dairy circles. According...
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