Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
July 5 2016
Could vegan cheese be the next nut juice? by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor Since 2010, sales of nondairy alternatives such as almond and soy beverages have surged 54 percent, reported Bloomberg's editors...
July 5 2016
Opening a door to the enemy. Dairy farmers are not the only ones under the intense scrutiny of consumers and animal rights groups. The poultry industry has also found itself being critiqued by those outside...
July 5 2016
Bye-bye Britain. Forget about the pebbles-in-a-pond-cause-ripples analogy this time. The impact of the United Kingdom's (UK) vote 10 days ago to leave the European Union (EU) - "Brexit" - is more like...
July 5 2016
Enrollment doubles for this dairy school. The U.S. Dairy Education and Training Consortium (USDETC) concluded its ninth year of hands-on dairy instruction and graduated 53 students from 23 different universities...
July 5 2016
Older cows digest feed better. With the onset of sexed semen and other management factors, the average age of the American dairy cow is getting younger. That being said, many dairies still benefit from...
June 27 2016
The human population loves its antibiotics. Animals are the leading cause of antibiotic resistance. It's a mantra voiced by a number of advocates for more prudent antibiotic use. However, if people are...
June 27 2016
The good kind of cover-up. While a criminal trying to "cover up" a crime is a bad thing, crops used to "cover up" fields between cropping seasons are just the opposite. And even though cover crops are...
June 27 2016
Light: Milk's greatest enemy? Freshness is one of the most important sensory gauges of milk quality. When we talk about providing a fresh product, dairy farmers focus on things like high solids and low...
June 27 2016
Stress builds as profits shrink. Financial stress on dairy farms is expected to rise before the end of 2016. As everyone knows, 2014 was a year of outstanding economic performance for most dairy farms...
June 27 2016
Dairy co-op's tombstone reads 1894 to 2016. Although it's been in a vegetative coma since March 31, 2008, the dairy co-op's official death notice, representing its last legal business day, will read June...
June 20 2016
During a 20-year span, the number of small dairy farms in our ranks has dropped dramatically. And with it, where our cows reside has changed, too. That situation was detailed in the April 25 Hoard's Dairyman...
June 20 2016
Data management is a daunting task, but identifying key metrics to monitor can help farms sort through the flood of information and bolster the bottom line
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