Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
April 18 2016
This is the season to start thinking heat abatement strategies as several southern states are already experiencing warmer temperatures and rising humidity. Meanwhile, it's warming up in northern states,...
April 18 2016
The nation's biggest dairy state keeps getting smaller. USDA's official ledger says total milk production in California in February was up just a bit versus the year before (0.55 percent). But that's only...
April 18 2016
For calves, the weaning period is almost always filled with change: a new home, new ration, new penmates, new health challenges. This transition can be overwhelming. If animals become too stressed during...
April 18 2016
California isn't the only major dairy region dealing with water woes. Australia has its issues, too. And as the world's fourth-largest dairy product exporter, short supplies of water could further curtail...
April 11 2016
Just over 3,600 bulls were declared active by A.I. marketing organizations. Of those sires, 2,795 were Holsteins, 540 were Jerseys, and the remaining 277 bulls could be found in nine other breeds. For...
April 11 2016
Organic agricultural production has become a household name in the United States with the total domestic market valued at more than $39 billion. Globally, organics account for over $75 billion. Data released...
April 11 2016
Transparency is certainly a buzzword in agriculture right now. For today's consumer, transparency is the idea of knowing where food comes from and how it's made
April 11 2016
As a zoonotic disease, tuberculosis can infect both people and cattle. That also means that tuberculosis can cross back and forth from humans to cows. Unfortunately, these days, if a cow contracts tuberculosis,...
April 11 2016
The USDA Prospective Plantings report unveiled a major surprise in this year's corn acreage. With a whopping 93.6 million acres expected to be planted, new crop corn futures quickly moved lower
April 4 2016
While the breed-changing demand involves chickens, it does illustrate the changing tide among retailers and consumers alike. It also puts recent dairy controversies such as tail docking into clearer perspective....
April 4 2016
We're spending more on eating out. The restaurant business is no small peanuts. With $783 billion in annual sales and 14.4 million employees at more than 1 million locations, eating out frequently has...
April 4 2016
There is mounting evidence that today's parents are quite simply . . . neat freaks. Our modern-day zeal to utilize products that kill microbes might be counterproductive, even detrimental, to developing...
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