Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Feb. 15 2016
It turns out that dairy owners may be seriously underestimating their employees. Those who believe workers simply show up and put in their hours, but have no interest in why they are trained to do things...
Feb. 15 2016
Fluid milk consumption has been on the decline for decades, but some milk categories are bucking that trend. In the year that ended on November 1, 2015, flavored milk came out as the real winner. According...
Feb. 15 2016
California is the nation's top exporter. One day each week, every U.S. cow produces milk destined for a consumer outside of America's borders. While that statement is accurate, cows in California are working...
Feb. 8 2016
Not since the end of the USDA's Whole Herd Buyout Program has dairy cow culling surpassed that of their beef cow cousins. However, that is exactly what happened in 2015 as beef producers retained cows...
Feb. 8 2016
Last week, San Francisco-based Memphis Meats posted a video online revealing what they say is the world's first lab-grown meatball. That meatball was created in their laboratory, where they have been working...
Feb. 8 2016
When is the last time you updated your vaccination program? Vaccinations are a great weapon against common ailments faced by dairy animals from pneumonia to mastitis, and they can be effectively used on...
Feb. 8 2016
Bank's outlook: "The sky is falling!" As I write this on January 20, the stock market has dumped 550 points before lunchtime. That's on top of the 1,409 that had already gone poof this month. Happy New...
Feb. 8 2016
"While scarcity may be the most pressing water issue, water quality is a close second," said Mike McCloskey, owner of Fair Oaks Dairy and chairman of the Sustainability Initiative for the Innovation Center...
Feb. 1 2016
It turns out two semitrailers of cheese stolen on January 15 and January 22 never left the Badger State at all. In the Marshfield, Wis., case, investigators received a tip that the cheese was in Grand...
Feb. 1 2016
"I am going to sound like a broken record, but, if it is a good idea to regroup or feed differently, why aren't you already doing it?" asked Donny Rollin when discussing potential changes to feeding and...
Feb. 1 2016
John Newton, Chief Economist, National Milk Producers Federation http://hoards.wehaaserver.com/images/1_rss.5735.png' style='border: none' /> USDA's Farm Service Agency recently released the Results of...
Feb. 1 2016
For cows transitioning from dry period to lactation, ketosis is one of the most prevalent metabolic disorders as it causes reduced feed intake, depressed milk production, weight loss and susceptibility...
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