Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Feb. 1 2016
Taking the plunge and investing in precision technology like activity and rumination monitors is a big decision. The return on investment is dependent on how a producer uses this new wealth of information...
Feb. 1 2016
"Price recovery will likely come in 2016, but it still could be some way off," said Kevin Bellamy, a global dairy strategist with Rabobank, eluding that a milk price recovery could happen in the fourth...
Jan. 25 2016
"We are very fortunate to have a great team of employees at Prairie Dairy. We endeavor to hold milking classes multiple times per year to assure that we are correctly and consistently performing our milking...
Jan. 25 2016
Sometimes we are blind to opportunities before us, especially in areas we work around everyday. The effectiveness of a total mixed ration (TMR) revolves around its ability to integrate all the cow's requirements...
Jan. 25 2016
In less than the course of a week, two semi loads of cheese were stolen from storage facilities in what authorities believe are unrelated events located about 190 miles apart. However, investigations are...
Jan. 25 2016
Dairy farmers might not think twice about when Easter falls on the calendar, but the timing is actually very important for dairy markets. "Easter comes early this year, on March 27," stated Mary Ledman,...
Jan. 25 2016
"On one side of the tale, East Coast and Michigan markets were dumping milk last year because of excess production and limited plant capacity," said Mark Stephenson at the Wisconsin Agricultural Economic...
Jan. 18 2016
Minnesota's dairy sector at a crossroads. A reduction in overall milk production; nearly maxed out cheese plant capacity; and sluggish demand for soft products are among the factors that have conspired...
Jan. 18 2016
While in the store last week, perusing the cheese case, I watched my fellow shoppers make their yogurt selections from the adjacent cooler. One young lady in particular was really taking her time analyzing...
Jan. 18 2016
What would you do with an extra 10 pounds of milk per cow per day? No doubt, any additional money in the milk check could be put to good use on the herd or around the farm . . . but the benefits go beyond...
Jan. 18 2016
Front row (L to R): Jennifer May, Anna Rodas with Olivia and Easton, Macklen Fee and Bob DiCarlo. Back row: John Brown, Greg Guinan, Kevin Moore and John Knopf. "Milk price has no bearing on how we administer...
Jan. 18 2016
Anyone who has worked with livestock and has dug out of a blizzard knows the process takes days, weeks or even months. Such is the case with dairy farmers in the Texas Panhandle and New Mexico, who will...
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