Below are the featured articles from recent issues of Hoard's Dairyman.

May 10 2015
Sustainability conjures numerous thoughts in people's minds. And rightly so. Just how efficient, long-lasting and repeatable a process can be will determine whether it is a sink or swim proposition
May 10 2015
GenElite and Holstein Plaza are just two companies leading the charge in one of the dairy industry's most rapidly advancing areas - embryo marketing. At the 124th Wisconsin Holstein Association Convention,...
May 10 2015
Whole milk is a nutritious feed source for calves, but it also has limitations that must be handled properly
April 25 2015
In recent years, public health advocates have gained far too much clout in developing dietary guidelines for healthy eating
April 25 2015
In a product category that hasn't shown any sales growth for over a generation, Coca-Cola and Selec
April 25 2015
April 2015 Hoard's Dairyman Bull List
April 10 2015
While MILC would have likely paid out more in 2015, MPP-Dairy should prove the better long-run solution now that 40 percent of corn goes toward ethanol production
April 10 2015
With the implementation of the five-year farm bill, agricultural minds have quickly turned their attention toward equally pressing matters including immigration reform, international trade pacts and revisions...
April 10 2015
While digesters could one day hold the economic key to capturing and transporting nutrients from a nutrients from a majority of livestock operations to fields far away from the home base, the financial...
March 25 2015
Do you know how your animals are being treated when you're not there? Direct, accountable supervision is a must
March 25 2015
The original request by three dairy cooperatives initiated a process that will eventually determine whether or not California joins the Federal Milk Marketing Order system, but it could take time to reach...
March 25 2015
Editorial: Trade talks involve big stakes for Dairy
March 10 2015
Among the top 10 states when ranked by farm numbers, only 3.1 percent of dairies exited the business. For the 40 remaining states, losses were steeper at 4.9 percent. Record milk checks received by U.S....
March 10 2015
When it comes to protecting health, all of humanity could learn a few lessons from their friends who raise livestock. In order for vaccines to be truly effective, the entire herd must be vaccinated to...
March 10 2015
Every so often we are offered a new and different dish by an anxious spouse, friend or relative hoping to impress us, gain our approval and share in our enjoyment. While many times we can happily appreciate...
Feb. 25 2015
U.S. milk production has grown by 36 billion pounds since 2003; nearly 70 percent of that "new milk" has been sold overseas, making global dairy trade an important and growing issue. by Hoard's Dairyman...
Feb. 25 2015
Editorial: The permanent fix for over-aged show calves There is no doubt that we are taking better care of our calves and heifers these days. Improved housing and ventilation, more vigilant attention to...
Feb. 25 2015
The People Side: The road to healing While we can't rescue someone from domestic abuse, we can extend our hand and be there as they determine their path
Feb. 25 2015
64th Annual Hoard's Dairyman Round Table: How these farmers got their start The road to farm ownership is rarely easy, but these four first-generation dairy farms are proof that options exist for young...
Feb. 10 2015
"Master a trade. Get good at it. Learn to love it. Get passionate." This sage advice comes from television host Mike Rowe, who encourages people to find a will to work hard. Television host Mike Rowe showed...