Serving up the very first meal What matters more: The amount of colostrum fed or the method in which it is delivered? If quality colostrum is fed in large quantities, both bottle and esophageal tube delivery...
In 2004, McDonald's revolutionized how milk was offered in Quick Service Restaurant chains. These days, 80 percent of items on the menu at the world's largest restaurant chain include dairy. It began...
Congressman highlights fixes for MPP-Dairy With sign-ups lagging and dairy margins eroding, Congressman Collin Peterson shared potential improvements to the farm bill's Margin Protection Program for Dairy....
The dairy faculty at Penn State launched a dairy MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) this past spring that includes a genetics section. The most frequent topic for the genetic discussion board relates to...
Mexico represents a dairy marketing paradox Without a national milk pricing plan, Mexican dairy farmers remain at the mercy of the marketplace. Meanwhile, the record peso-to-dollar exchange rate makes...
Editorial: Sustainability could reduce food waste The work by the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy has placed the dairy sector in the forefront of the sustainability movement. While dairy was an early...
Is your tank half full or running on fumes? Some of us prepare ahead, others act in the moment; both modes of operation can fit certain aspects of a dairy. It never fails; when my wife and I go on a road...
Great silage takes great planning Corn silage harvest is just around the corner and could even be started in some parts of the country. Harvesting corn for silage may be one of the most important activities...
Fresh makes the difference From green chop harvested twice each day to milk bottled and delivered same day to retail outlets, Dakin Farms keeps the focus on fresh. My success is attributed to my forages,"...
Work at leading research universities and private sector labs indicates that we will be able to alter the genetic makeup of many farm animals within the next few years. The question remains: Will consumers...
Farm women aren't afraid to get dirty Supporting each other is the theme of these mud runs, something farm women have been doing for decades. Tanya Hay has taken part in several mud runs and was the catalyst...
Exports, ingredients, innovation, and operational excellence are opportunities for the U.S. dairy sector. Achieving these mileposts will come with challenges
For nearly 20 years, glyphosate-resistant corn and soybeans have been planted by farmers and fed to livestock without too much ruckus. And rightly so, as there is no way to determine if a cow or any other...
tightest belts can be found in New ZealanSliding milk prices have caused dairy farmers to tighten their financial belts. The d, the world's largest dairy product exporter. by Hoard's Dairyman staff The...
Don't just stand there Cows that stand too much may be telling you something about cow comfort in your barn. Inadequate flooring can cause lameness and discourage cows from eating, thus impacting milk...
Imagine how frustrating it is to aim at a moving target. It can make you feel annoyed, stressed, and even defeated. Unfortunately, this is the very challenge faced by many young dairy exhibitors in showmanship...
May is a wonderful time of new life. It means change. May is also the time when bright new veterinarians graduate from formal education into a lifetime of learning with dairy cows. Most understand that...
Long rooted in excellent genetics, these days industry-leading attention to genomics and calf care sets up Maddox Dairy for success. There are few dairies in the world that have been involved with embryo...
Treat animals nicely.” “All animals must be treated better.” “Ensure all animals are treated with respect.” “Create tougher penalties for animal cruelty.” “Nature...
Harvest forages, and in particular corn silage, with fresh cows in mind to make sure every bite counts. The author is an assistant professor in dairy nutrition and management with Iowa State University...