Below are the featured articles from recent issues of Hoard's Dairyman.

Sept. 10 2015
Nothing was more exciting for me as a young vet student than studying the "biology" of DAs (displaced abomasums). And, after 30-plus years of practice, I still find myself challenged with the diagnosis...
Sept. 10 2015
Editorial: World Dairy Expo has been a "labor of love" Scores of people deserve credit for being the driving force that launched the World Food and Agricultural Foundation in 1967. Fort Atkinson, Wis.,...
Aug. 27 2015
Your ability to hear is a onetime deal. Once it's gone, it isn't coming back. Engines. Vacuum pumps. Animals. Motorized shop tools. What do they all have in common? They are found on dairy farms . . ....
Aug. 25 2015
Editorial: North American's future in a fog Dubbed the largest all-breed, purebred livestock exposition in the world, the 42-year-old North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) now appears...
Aug. 25 2015
For genomics to pay, you must use the information to keep or produce a larger supply of genetically superior heifers and remove the genetically inferior. That goal cannot get lost in the shuffle. by Patrick...
Aug. 25 2015
In general, the U.S. and world economies are pretty stagnant. Part of the issue is after the 2008 financial crisis consumers and businesses were just happy to still be around
Aug. 10 2015
Some chronic diseases are known to lower milk production, but others that are often widespread within herds may silently lower milk production while going unnoticed for years. by Geof W. Smith, D.V.M....
Aug. 10 2015
As the weather heats up, keeping milk cool becomes critical. Food safety, product flavor and shelf life - and, ultimately, consumer satisfaction - depend upon quickly cooling milk and holding it at the...
Aug. 10 2015
Now that Congress has approved Trade Promotion Authority, negotiators from 12 nations have begun final deliberations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Those final talks will ultimately determine...
Aug. 10 2015
We recently moderated a dairy farmer panel discussion where a member of the audience turned the conversation from cowside concerns to family matters. "How do you handle conflict on your family-run farm?"...
July 15 2015
Determining the breed composition of the U.S. dairy herd is somewhat of an inexact science because not all herds are enrolled in an official testing plan. Even among cows enrolled in a testing plan, the...
July 15 2015
From the heart of farm-centric Iowa, the Des Moines Water Works (a city department) has filed a lawsuit against three counties contending that drainage ditches that handle water collected by "engineered...
July 15 2015
A debate fraught with emotion, genetic engineering of crops may be a new concept, but trait selection has been practiced for centuries
June 15 2015
It has been decades since a region looked to implement a Federal Milk Marketing Order. Dusting off policy rules reveals a structured, transparent and lengthy process
June 15 2015
Unless Congressional action is taken to clarify RCRA, the Washington state ruling on manure and its nutrients could forever change livestock production
June 15 2015
A shift toward group housing calves is taking place; now we must decide what size of group is best
June 15 2015
It has been nearly a generation since dairy farmers last formally petitioned the USDA Secretary of Agriculture to establish a Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO). That fact alone makes the California petition...
May 25 2015
Water is the chief building block of life. Without it, crops wither away and civilizations crumble
May 25 2015
One day your son or daughter may be running your dairy, and that begs the question, what should my 18-year-old know about farm finances? It might be hard to admit but each year everyone gets a year older
May 25 2015
When it comes to feed prices and dairy trade, two "C" words have dominated conversations for more than a decade: for ethanol it's corn and for dairy products it's China. Since only one in five of our readers...