Below are the featured articles from recent issues of Hoard's Dairyman.

March 25 2017
An important part of running any business is finding enterprises that complement each other. For one Michigan dairy farm, potatoes and cows have been the perfect pair. The VanDrese
March 25 2017
As anyone who is involved in dairy farming knows, mastitis can be a very frustrating disease. It sounds simple enough to keep mastitis-causing organisms away from the teat canal when it is open, but
March 25 2017
Transferring a dairy farm to the next generation can be complicated. No one wants to make it difficult; however, there are a lot of assets on the balance sheet. Terms and agreements in writing m
March 10 2017
Tight margins that ranged from $5.76 to $9.17 per hundredweight after feed costs were among the reasons that 1,725 dairy farmers exited the industry last year. Those business closings were only
March 10 2017
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) just celebrated its 23rd birthday. NAFTA is a three-country trade accord negotiated between the North American countries that include Canada, Mexi
March 10 2017
Not everyone likes Mondays. I do because it is preg check day at our Kansas State Dairy. It is the culmination of a lot of effort made by everyone on the dairy farm
March 10 2017
The possibility of the next generation joining the farm can be an exciting time; yet change, even positive change, can be stressful
March 10 2017
Marilyn Hershey You will never see me climb up the side of a silo or shimmy up a ladder to the barn roof. I like both feet on solid, unwavering ground
Feb. 25 2017
Many people may have heard about the four or five D’s when it comes to lending and farming. Each can tear a business apart. Some of the D’s are unavoidable. Others are a matter of choice
Feb. 25 2017
While beef prices have been making a rebound from last fall’s market bottom, dairy beef hasn’t benefited from the improvement in meat prices. That’s because the demand for our bull calves
Feb. 25 2017
Over the past decade, Wisconsin’s dairy industry has seen a resurgence in dairy cow numbers by adding 43,000 additional cows to its farms
Feb. 25 2017
Karen BohnertOprah Winfrey once said, “You can have it all — just not all at once.” And, honestly, I never really understood what this meant until I hit motherhood. Trying to...
Feb. 10 2017
Obedience comes in many shapes and sizes on the farm. Some rules are big and noticeable and some are so commonplace they do not get much attention. We teach our children how to obey at a
Feb. 10 2017
As is always the case, the key factors affecting milk prices this year will be demand and supply. On the favorable front for U.S. prices is a likely continuation of last year’s robust domestic demand
Feb. 10 2017
I’d come to expect the unorthodox from Don. Hard driving, able to think outside the box, Don made great strides in turning around a large, troubled dairy operation
Feb. 10 2017
It’s high time that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enforce its own existing regulations that clearly define milk as originating from dairy animals
Jan. 25 2017
as dairy producers continue through the second year of very slim or negative margins, I am sure many of you are feeling rather discouraged. I have never been a dairy farmer, so I cannot speak from experience
Jan. 25 2017
Change is only fun for a baby with a wet diaper. Sometimes we seek change, sometimes change finds us. When it finds us, it’s usually better to not be a baby about it
Jan. 25 2017
The best of 1976. Steve Jobs formed Apple computer. Nadia Comaneci won three Olympic Golds. Rocky premiered in cinema. ABBA had a number one song with “Dancing Queen.”
Jan. 18 2017
Only 2.2 percent of a cow’s diet is digestible and desirable to the U.S. human food market