Many changes we make to dairy cows through genetic selection are easy to see or quantify. Our cows are much taller, thinner, and have far better udders than cows from past eras. We’ve also doubled...
Marilyn HersheyDuane’s father stops by the farm several times a week, just to check up on what we are doing that day and to see if there is anything new happening
In 2000, the first pair of milking robots, known to bureaucrats as Automated Milking Systems (AMS), began milking cows on a commercial dairy farm in the U.S. But don’t tell the Food and Drug A
When dairyman Hank Choate saw the “unavailable” number pop up on his cell phone screen late one Thursday afternoon in April, he assumed it was not a call he wanted to take
Who would have thought that major news purveyors, like The Economist and The Wall Street Journal, would have even noticed that the open outcry pits for spot trading cheese at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange
I recently flashed back to Memorial Day weekend, as that is when my social media feed from coast to coast was filled with families camping, swimming, vacationing — all in relax mode
With no family farm to call home, Adam Borchert of Tree-Hayven Holsteins started his future in the dairy industry by renting a farm in Auburndale, Wis., in 1998
In a classic 1997 behavioral economics study on New York City cabdrivers, it was found that the reason you cannot find a cab in New York City on a rainy day is because the taxi driver sets a personal...
Selective dry cow therapy targets only cows that have or had infections to receive antibiotics at dry-off. At the same time, cows that do not receive antibiotics get an internal teat seal
I remember arriving at Jack’s farm shortly before 4 p.m. He had called earlier in the day requesting that one of his “really good” cows be examined, as it was struggling to take off...
Marilyn Hershey Acronyms are a huge part of our lives. We have been using acronyms on our farms for as long as I can remember. It feels like BMPs, SOPs, and NRCS have always been in our language
Eliminating bottlenecks and organizing people are how you fix problems on a dairy,” said longtime dairy veterinarian Gordie Jones to those attending the 13th Western Dairy Management Conference in...
Farm country has long been considered America’s backbone. It’s close-knit communities; a do-it-yourself, entrepreneurial spirit; and hardworking, resilient residents not only have grounded...
Karen Bohnert School’s out for summer. Music to every kid’s heart, I’m sure. Or at least my trio were elated when the school bell rang for the last time and the doors opened wide. Although
Last year, dairy farmers delivered the safest milk supply to consumers in modern U.S. history with a mere 0.011 percent of bulk milk pickup tankers testing positive for antibiotic residues. While perf
The agricultural community could benefit greatly from defining itself in a positive light.In the Netherlands, public opinion supports small over large farm operations. Approval from local zoning offic